The studies of economy in Spain: the chair of Political Economy of Sevilla’s University, 1807-1936

  • Manuel Martín Rodríguez (1944-2012)
    Universidad de Granada (hasta 2012) ??[at]


The institutionalization of the studies of Political Economy in the Spanish University took place for Real Cédula of july 12, 1807, which arranged that it was giving in the Faculty of Laws in the ninth year of her study plan. In the general context of what happened in all the Universities of the Kingdom, in this work there is studied how this subjet as taught in the Faculty of Law of the University of Seville in the period 1807-1936: teachers who gave it, programme and books of text that were in use and intellectual environment in the one that developed their educational and investigative labor.
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Martín Rodríguez (1944-2012), M. (2012). The studies of economy in Spain: the chair of Political Economy of Sevilla’s University, 1807-1936. Historia De La Educación, 30, 145–165. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Manuel Martín Rodríguez (1944-2012)

Universidad de Granada (hasta 2012)
Última dirección: Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Campus de Cartuja - 18071-Granada (España)