Women’s literacy and social development in Mozambique: the experience in Munhava of St. Joseph’s adult school


Although literacy is a key to poverty reduction, this right is still denied to the majority of the Mozambican adult population. Gender inequity is an important dimension to be considered. The situation is precarious in slums, where women fight every day for a better life for themselves and their children. In this text, after a summary of the history of literacy in Mozambique, we show the more important events in St. Joseph’s Adult School. Located in the slum of Munhava (Beira), it is an example of option for women’s promotion. Teachers and students tell us their views, needs and wishes. This experience shows the weakness of adult education in Mozambique, but also its potential when women are heard. Slowly, women in Munhava are gaining life skills and discovering their dignity and rights.
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Aguadero Miguel, R. (2012). Women’s literacy and social development in Mozambique: the experience in Munhava of St. Joseph’s adult school. Historia De La Educación, 30, 79–90. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/9055


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Author Biography

Ramón Aguadero Miguel

Universidad de Málaga
Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación. Universidad de Málaga - Avda. Cervantes, 2 29071 –Málaga (España)