Axes of the colonial educational policy in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960)


Before the Congo’s independence his ancient colonial power, Belgium, developped an educative policy bases on the next hinges: concessions for the catholic missionaries, emphasis to primary school, preference to the autochthonous open languages, and paternalism like pedagogical base. These foundations will been surpassed quikcly before the independence, about 1950 and next years.
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Depaepe, M. (2012). Axes of the colonial educational policy in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960). Historia De La Educación, 30, 33–44. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Marc Depaepe

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Centrum voor Historische Pedagogiek. Onderzoeksgroep Educatie, Cultuur & Samenleving. K.U.Leuven. Andreas Vesaliusstraat 2 - bus 3763. B-3000 Leuven (Bélgica)