Theatre education: new trends in history of education


As in other fields of theoretical and practical knowledge, theatre has also developed its own educational processes, some oriented to a total care education and some oriented to the training of the professionals of theatrical art. In both cases, the histories of those educational activities are still to be written in depth. It is a daunting task, which requires, for proper execution, of a systematization of the field, in order to determine its range and scope. This paper poses some preliminary considerations, which are necessary to develop a systematic view of the field of theatre education in its historical dimension; it proposes the development of a new field of research, the History of Theatre Education, and it shows some key areas that require prior research.
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F. Vieites, M. (2014). Theatre education: new trends in history of education. Historia De La Educación, 33, 325–350. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Manuel F. Vieites

Universidad de Vigo
Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Galicia. Universidad de VigoPoza Cabalo, 36212 Vigo, Pontevedra