The new historiography and formative proposal pedagogy of reiteration


This article presents, in a first part, a reading of the new historiographical context of the early twenty-first century. Beyond traditional history and social history, we discusse the influence of hermeneutic and linguistic turns in general historiography and in history of education, and how these turns made possible the cultural history and the recent postsocial history. In a second part, and as a result of the exposed philosophical context, a pedagogical proposal with a specific formative relationship with the past is presented: the pedagogy of reiteration. After explaining its theoretical basis, the third part of the article illustrates how to implement the reiteration pedagogy through concrete experience. The example exposed is also a brief explanation of a teaching innovation activity carried out in the last five years in studies of education at the University of Barcelona and the University of Girona.
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Laudo Castillo, X. (2014). The new historiography and formative proposal pedagogy of reiteration. Historia De La Educación, 33, 305–323. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Xavier Laudo Castillo

Universidad de Barcelona
Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educació.  Facultad de Pedagogía. Universidad de Barcelona Campus Mundet, Edifici Llevant, 3a planta, Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron, 171 08035 Barcelona