Presentation. Historical shaping of vocational education and training. An international view


The research to historiography synthesis research which we offer in the presentation of the case number 33 of the Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria collects the discourse analysis from four categories: terminology and interpretative versatility training; their  elationships and dependencies in lifelong learning; a possible outline of methodological work of the research process-based on the contents of the progress researchers; and finally, the synthesis of the contributions included in this monograph. All this screening from two coordinates: the historical and comparative (or international).
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Vega Gil, L. (2014). Presentation. Historical shaping of vocational education and training. An international view. Historia De La Educación, 33, 27–41. Retrieved from

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Leoncio Vega Gil

Universidad de Salamanca
Catedrático de Universidad de SalamancaDepartamento de Teoría e Historia de la EducaciónPaseo de Canalejas 169 - 37008 Salamanca