The economy teaching in Granada University (1807-1936)


The Universidad de Granada, one of the oldest universities in Spain, is also one of the first in adapting the teaching of Economics to its curriculum. The subject is introduced in 1807 on the ninth year in the Faculty of Law, having the denomination of «Political Economics». After then first period (1807-1845) when its teaching was involved in adverse circumstances that the country was undergoing, the Public Education Act September 9th 1857 (Plan Moyano), the institutional process of Economics liked to the legal world is consolidated, and a regulated teaching system is set up, and classes are given by government professors. Granada consequently receives a major boost for teaching Economics and the number of university students is doubled the following decade once this curriculum is implemented. The last period (1916-1936) sees the participation distinguished professors the germanizados, trained in Germany, Drs. Agustín Viñuales and José Álvarez de Cienfuegos.
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López Castellano, F. (2013). The economy teaching in Granada University (1807-1936). Historia De La Educación, 25, 379–400. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando López Castellano

Universidad de Granada
Avda. del Hospicio, s/n. C.P. 18071. Granada. España