The school classroom, scene, narration and metaphor: new sources for the history of the education


In this article the new sources are analyzed for the history of the education, from a reflection on the importance of the classroom, the central idea of the new historical-educational investigation. The triple dimension of the classroom: scene, story and metaphor, allows us to distinguish the different sources that have been enriching the work of the investigators. It is tried to show that the access to the past of the education is much easier using close to the traditional sources those that are based on the image and the fiction, scarcely used on the history of the education, with the exception of the photography or the painting. For it one insists on the importance of the cinema and the literature.
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Gómez García, M. N. (2013). The school classroom, scene, narration and metaphor: new sources for the history of the education. Historia De La Educación, 25, 341–358. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María Nieves Gómez García

Universidad de Sevilla
C/ S. Fernando, 4, C.P. 41004-Sevilla, España