Popular education in the mirror of the Popular University in France in the early XXth century


The Popular Universities at the end of the XIXth century are a major reference in the history of popular education. The movement of the Popular Universities attracted militant workers and intellectual —writers, scientists, teachers and artists—, to educational dynamics which owe a lot to the Dreyfus Affair. This encounter of the morning coat with the workman's overalls didn't last long. The Popular Universities died because they were unable to imagine this mutual education which was everybody's dream. This failure marked people's minds for a long time, and the period between the two wars, full of experiences of working-class and proletarian education, constantly refers to the Popular Universities of the 1900^ to find a model to follow or to reject.
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Mercier, L. (2013). Popular education in the mirror of the Popular University in France in the early XXth century. Historia De La Educación, 20, 117–135. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10948


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Lucien Mercier

Universidad François Rabelais, Tours
Université François-Rabelais de Tours. 60 rue du Plat D'Etain. 37020 Tours cedex 1 . (Francia)