Catholic popular education in Barcelona during the Spanish Restauration period: from charity to «social question»


Among all the possibilities of education offered to working classes, we claim to determine the weight and the forms they have in catholic circles. By laying stress on the arbitrarisation of Barcelona Society, by wondering about the role of the official institutions (local and national as well) in primary education, we will try to account for the strong presence of catholic education in Barcelona. Finally, the study of both ideological and social functions as well as pedagogical choices it is likely to represent, will enable us to characterize the nature and functions of this kind of popular education, and on the other hand compare it with the competitive offers and estimate its impact.
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Dard, S. (2013). Catholic popular education in Barcelona during the Spanish Restauration period: from charity to «social question». Historia De La Educación, 20, 67–93. Retrieved from


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