Volksbildung and educación popular. Differentiation and continuity of two basic educational concepts in Germany and Spain around 1900


The article examines the historical development of Volksbildung in Germany and educación popular in Spain since the second half of the XIXth century. It shows the importance of the formation in Germany of a public school-system for the functional differentiation of Volksbildung as general culture for all as well as the dominance of private and polyfunctional associations referring to educación popular in Spain. These different models of popular education are finally interpreted in relation to the specific national configurations in both countries.
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Seitter, W. (2013). Volksbildung and educación popular. Differentiation and continuity of two basic educational concepts in Germany and Spain around 1900. Historia De La Educación, 20, 11–23. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10942


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Author Biography

Wolfgang Seitter

Universidad Philipps, Marburg
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6B. D-35032 Marburg / Germany (Alemania)