Science, Technology and University in the XIXth Century. The Free-Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca (1875-1902)


The Free-Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca was established in 1875 as the only way to continue Science studies in the University. Poorly financed, with little resources and academic acceptance, it survives helped by financial support from the City Hall and the Provincial Deputation, and to the Rector Esperabé5 s will, against the High Education centralization trend which concentres the studies at the Central University of Madrid. That economic and technical poverty provides just only an approach to the physico-chemical sciences in the framework of a provincial University, but helps it to stay alive until its recongnition as «official» faculty in 1902.
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Pérez Melero, J. (2013). Science, Technology and University in the XIXth Century. The Free-Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca (1875-1902). Historia De La Educación, 18, 241–266. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Joaquín Pérez Melero

Universidad de Salamanca
Departamento de Historia Medieval, Moderna y Contemporánea. C/ Cervantes s/n. 37002 Salamanca (España)