Textbook policy and endowment from the beginning of the Spanish Civil War to the creation of the Educational National Council


The aim of this article is to study the political decisions regarding textbooks for primary education at the beginning of the Franco regime. An analysis of the laws in force at that time, and on its administrative documentation, in a very meaningful period of time for schools, that is, the end of the Spanish Civil War, clearly shows the initial purpose of the government to make common nation-wide textbooks. Such an intention awakened uneasiness on authors and editors who pressure the State because they wanted to keep their own productions. On receiving these complaints, the administration founded an institution; it was a Comission to pronounce judgment on the textbooks to be used in public schools, so that the publications pertaining to the State could be under their control.
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Diego Pérez, C. (2013). Textbook policy and endowment from the beginning of the Spanish Civil War to the creation of the Educational National Council. Historia De La Educación, 19, 293–309. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/article/view/10802


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Author Biography

Carmen Diego Pérez

Universidad de Oviedo
Calle Doctor Fernando Bongera, s/n, 33006 Oviedo, Asturias. España.