The Industrial School of Vergara (1848-1860)


The teaching of industrial engineering in a systematic way was started in Spain in 1850 by the so-called Seijas Lozano decree, which established three levels: elementary, furthering (which was pursued at the news Industrial Schools of Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Vergara), and advanced (only at Madrid). However, the teaching and administrative framework underwent virtually continuous changes. Funding scarcity and the small number of students attending courses led to the dissapearance of all the Industrial Schools -that of Barcelona excepted- between T86O and 1867. Based on archived records, this paper presents a comprehensive study on the Industrial School of Vergara, installed in the so-called Real Seminario Científico e Industrial de Vergara (founded in 1848). The staff and material resources of the centre were specially considered, with the purpose of evaluate its scientific level.
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Cano Pavón, J. M. (2013). The Industrial School of Vergara (1848-1860). Historia De La Educación, 19, 225–248. Retrieved from


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