The MANES Prqyect and historical research on textbooks (XIX th and XXth centuries)


In the last years a growing interest has spread among historians of education for reconstructing the internal history of schooling. This new field would include areas such as curriculum, school organisation or educational practice. Among the sources which allow that approach to be developed, historians have paid an outstanding attention to textbooks. In 1992 an ambitious research project -so-called MANES Projectwas started aiming at studying textbooks published in Spain during xixth and xxth centuries. In this paper the main aims of the project and the lines of research developed during the last decade are analysed. The main results attained until now are also appraised, specially focusing on the database, the library, publications, scientific meetings and the PhD programme which appeared around the project. Lastly, organisation of the project and foresights for development in the coming years are presented.
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Tiana Ferrer, A. (2013). The MANES Prqyect and historical research on textbooks (XIX th and XXth centuries). Historia De La Educación, 19, 179–194. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Alejandro Tiana Ferrer

Rector de la UNED. Calle Bravo Murillo, 38. 28015 Madrid. España