The textbooks publishers national asociation from the transition to the 21th century. Interview with mister Mauricio Santos


The ideas included in this article are centred in three aspects: the genesis of ANELE, the evolution of the editorial sector and the relationships between ANELE and the administrations with educational responsabilities. Inside this last part, we highlight the reflections around the established filters for authorization and approval of text books and we defend a bigger significance in faculty's decision taking and smaller intervention of the administrative bureaucracies. The article also presents the interview carried out with D. Mauricio Santos Arrabal, president of ANELE.
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Beas Miranda, M. (2013). The textbooks publishers national asociation from the transition to the 21th century. Interview with mister Mauricio Santos. Historia De La Educación, 19, 141–178. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Miguel Beas Miranda

Universidad de Granada
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación - Campus de Cartuja - 18071-Granada. España.