The physics in the textbooks:a résistent medium to renovation (1845-1900)

  • Antonio Moreno González
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid ?[at]


The Physics and Chemistry text books used in the secondary and high schools in Spain, imposed by the Government or freely choosen by the teachers, have an evident French influence. The stereotype of these books was spread from the middle of the nineteen century to the end of the century, more or less, in the same way. The structure of the index, and many contents have arrived at today without variations. This condition in the scientific text books suposed a delay in the incorporation of the scientific newnesses. One of the reasons of this delay is in some way produced by the compulsory official programmes.
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Moreno González, A. (2013). The physics in the textbooks:a résistent medium to renovation (1845-1900). Historia De La Educación, 19, 51–93. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Antonio Moreno González

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Av Séneca, 2. 28040 Madrid, España.