The incorporation of women to the secondary school Institutes in Spain


The process of incorporation of women to the secondary school Institutes in Spain is entered upon in this article. To some studies thought as a preparation for University, because of what the presence of women in them wasn't for seen. Since the examinations taken by the first girl in the 1870-71 season in the Huelva's Institute, till the hundreds of the 1909-10 where in those Institutes, in almost all the provinces, in the 1909-10 season, he have distinguished three stages; in its case, marked by the font used, the one that last from 1870 to 1881; the second one, because of the new century, the one that goes from 1882 to 1899; a nd the third one, that ends in 1910, having in mind a change of law en relation to the women's access to the University. From now on a significant and constant increase of girls in the baccalaureate studies would be produced.
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Flecha García, C. (2013). The incorporation of women to the secondary school Institutes in Spain. Historia De La Educación, 17, 159–178. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Consuelo Flecha García

Universidad de Sevilla
Calle San Fernando, 4. 41004 Sevilla (España)