The begining of the institutionalized education between the Kuna of Panama


When Panama and Colombia split up, the Panama Government tried everything they could, to strengthen their borders and specially those that shared with their former ally. The Kunas lined in that region and the efforts of the government focused on the naturalization of this region occupied by native people. From the first laws passed, the Government tried to civilice that people. Education was a way to getting what they wanted. The Government offered grants to the population so that they could study in the capital; so, those students would help the Goverment to change the ideas of all the native population, some of those who helped the Goverment were killed. The Catholic and Protestant missions also played an important role above all until the first schools in that region were set up in i9i5. Education as was understood by the Goverment caused divisions and clashes, there was even a revolution in 1925 that tried to stop the outrage of those who wanted to civilize the native population.
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Calvo Población, G. F. (2013). The begining of the institutionalized education between the Kuna of Panama. Historia De La Educación, 16, 395–407. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Gaspar Félix Calvo Población

Universidad de Extremadura
Avda. de Elvas, s/n. 06006, Badajoz (España)