Institutionalist pedagogy and social education in Castile and Leon


The present research work of history of education about the influence to the «institucionismo pedagógico» in the Castilla y León area, want to notice two general coordinates. In the firts, to revise the «institucionismo» influence in the scholastic discussion and, the second place, we stady the role of pedagogical projects of social education. We have to prove what in most cases the activities have the social orientation and so, the «institutionist» project for Castilla y León had tray a effort for the social integration since the school.
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Vega Gil, L. (2013). Institutionalist pedagogy and social education in Castile and Leon. Historia De La Educación, 16, 265–284. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Leoncio Vega Gil

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de educación. Paseo Canalejas, 169. 37008 Salamanca. España.