Bookshop and teaching material catalogues as iconographie and literary-school source


This work, based in the literary and iconografic study and analysis of several «Material Teaching Catalogues» for Primary School, between 1897 and 1914, claims include to the historic-pedagogic world of investigation, the contents value. In this way, is it analysed the contribution of those Catalogues as information source with regard to: 1.- Teaching carácter; 2.- School suite and material; 3.- School «ilustrated» texts; 4.- School theatre: authors and tendencies; 5.- First School Bookshops and their diffusion labor.
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Esteban Mateo, L. (2013). Bookshop and teaching material catalogues as iconographie and literary-school source. Historia De La Educación, 16, 17–46. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

León Esteban Mateo

Universidad de Valencia
Av de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, 13, 46010 Valencia. España