The Cervantes Foundation of México and the provincecities schools the exile pegagogical of 1939


One of the less known aspects of the republican exile of 1936 is its pedagogical dimension. The Spanish exiled on their hazardous path founded some centers of education, mostly in Mexico. These «exile schools» can be qualified with a territorial criterion. Some of them were located in Mexico city, and others in different provincecities. These last ones were mostly promoted by the Cervantes Foundation, an organization in the orbit of the Negrin sector in the exile. The Foundation promoted Cervantes Schools in the places of Cordoba, Tampico, Veracruz, Jalapa and Tapachula. Nearly all of them were successful, they managed to become consolidated, and some of them still exist at the present time. The article reconstructs, fron some sources mostly unpublished, the trajectory and the main characteristics of these centers and of the foundation that encouraged them.
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Cruz Orozco, J. I. (2013). The Cervantes Foundation of México and the provincecities schools the exile pegagogical of 1939. Historia De La Educación, 14, 453–464. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

José Ignacio Cruz Orozco

Universidad de Valencia
Av de los Naranjos, s/n. 46022 Valencia. España.