The scholastic contribution of the American Galician on the splitted Galicia for four centuries


In the running of the centuries, emigration has shaped Galicia dividing it's community in two human groups, one of them living in it's own territory and the other outside of it. As the outgoing increases and emigration acquires the quality of exodus, the relations between both demographic segments and their respectives spaces of reference diversify, grow strong and find shape the absent in their own destination places. In this article we analyse the variants that this intervention adopts and their concrete fulfilments during a long interval of more than three hundred years during four centuries (XVII-XX). The contents of this work alows to conclude that the action of the emigrants became a first magnitude factor that helped the spreading of a school net throughout the galician geography and it's modernization.
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Peña Saavedra, V. (2013). The scholastic contribution of the American Galician on the splitted Galicia for four centuries. Historia De La Educación, 14, 301–332. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Vicente Peña Saavedra

Universidad de Santiago
Avda Xoan XXIII, s/n. Campus Norte. 15782 Santiago de Compostela. España.