About the Journal

Focus and scope

Works published in Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, deal with any of the multiple expressions that the History of Education offers throughout time and space (School, Protagonists — Teachers, management, students, auxiliary staff, families, administration —, Educational Inspection, Institutions — circumschool, charitable, charitable-teaching, NGOs, ONGDs, individuals, private, cooperatives... —, Family education, gender, politics...). All of them are unpublished, original works and of high relevance for the Scientific Community.

The journal has traditionally offered an annual periodicity (publishing one volume per year), although it is expected that from 2025 the publication will begin on a biannual basis (two volumes per year).

Articles published in Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria offer diversity in terms of languages, and its publication may be possible in any of the languages ​​of common scientific use. However, and to contribute to its dissemination, consultation and citation, all its articles include the title, summary and English language keywords.


Peer evaluation process

All submitted works are evaluated prior to publication. Initially, the editorial secretary does a formal reading of the document, to ensure that it adjusts to the interests (theme) and format of the Journal. Once this is done, it is sent to two external reviewers — evaluation by blind peers — who, in accordance with strict criteria of scientific and academic quality, may make modification proposals, if appropriate. For the definitive acceptance of an article, the positive evaluation of both is required; In case of notable discrepancies, the article will be submitted to a third evaluator, who will make the final decision. This will be communicated to its authors including, if positive (Accepted for publication), the necessary content modifications or format adjustments.



The Journal is published annually, with plans to become biannual in 2025.


Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global knowledge exchange. No costs for article submission or open access publication (APC) Shipping of items are free of charge. Nor for editing them or publishing them in open access (APC). Journal sections Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria is divided into several sections:

  1. Presentation.
  2. Monograph: refers to a set of articles that revolve around a specific topic. This is made public in the “Call of Papers” section of this website, where the specific dates of submission, evaluation, publication...
  3. Studies: refers those articles that refer to disparate themes linked, all of them, to the History of Education and in accordance with the different pedagogical and research sensibilities of the authors. The submission period for this section is permanently open. 4. Documentation and information: The journal is open to sending book reviews, summaries of Doctoral Theses, notes and information on events to be celebrated or celebrated in the last year, thematic bibliography and interviews and conversations.


Committed to research by new authors and from developing countries

Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria maintains a constant commitment to quality research, especially, and as a commitment to equity, with those authors or research teams from developing countries, especially Latin Americans whose texts are presented in scientific languages, preferably in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. Along these same lines, we do the same with those young researchers, new researchers, from all over the world.


Self-Archiving and Digital Preservation Permission

Authors are authorized to publish their work on the Internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal websites) always after editing (in no case before revision, layout or even in the correction phase- of tests or ferros). These measures are done to encourage reading and citation of the article and to achieve greater and faster dissemination of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access).

The journal is preserved in the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca:

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.


Open access policy

Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making public research freely available and supporting greater global knowledge exchange.


Published article identifiers

Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria requires that authors be identified in ORCID to standardize the citation of their publications.


Database dissemination

The journal undertakes to provide XML metadata or other specific formats immediately after its publication in "eUSAL Revistas" and within three months in order to promote dissemination in databases (Proquest, Ebsco, Elsevier, DOAJ, CrossRef/DOI).



Original and unpublished research works in History of Education are admitted.


JNB: Historia de la educación


JN: Education


EDU000000 EDUCATION / General

EDU016000 EDUCATION / History


Languages, identification of the text and its authorship Languages

The articles submitted will be published in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French and, exceptionally, in other languages ​​of scientific dissemination (consult the editorial secretary).


Identification of texts

The texts must always be identified with the following data:

  1. Title, summary and keywords (separated by semicolons) in Spanish.
  2. Title, abstract and key words (separated by semicolons) in English.
  3. Title, summary and keywords in the language in which the text is intended to be published.


Authority control

For the affiliation of the authors, they will specify:

  1. Name: Lowercase (full)
  2. Middle name: Lowercase
  3. Surnames: Lowercase
  4. email: Institutional and non-generic (neither Gmail, nor similar, etc.)
  5. ORCID: previously registered in ORCID (http://orcid.org/)
  6. Higher work institution: University
  7. Country
  8. Postal address


Journal ethical standards

By sending their originals to the Journal, the authors agree to accept the usual procedures in the scientific community: only original works that have not been previously published and that are not subject to evaluation by other journals will be sent. Thus, the originals sent to the Journal will not be sent to other publications until the evaluation process by our Journal is completed.

Authors must respect international copyright regulations for texts, graphics and other materials included in their writings sent to the journal for publication. For their part, the Editors, the Editorial Board and the reviewers of the Journal will ensure the maintenance of the integrity of the research, which, in the first instance, is the responsibility of the authors, reminding them that the software is used for this purpose. Turnitin Ephorus » https://moodle2.usal.es/mod/page/view.php?id=260582

A call is therefore made to authors to continue avoiding practices such as plagiarism and "self-plagiarism."

This journal supports the principles of transparency and good practices determined by the Comité de Ética de publicación (COPE) through its Guía de buenas prácticas


Journal Responsibility

The management is not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors in the articles of the Journal.

  • Once the work is accepted for publication, it is assumed that all its authors have given their consent, being Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria the rights of reproduction in any format.


About copyright © and cc by-nc-nd

The authors who publish in Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, will accept the following conditions:

The authors retain the copyright © and transfer to Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca the right to publish, under Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows third parties the distribution, copy and exhibition of the article as long as they cite the authorship of the work, the publication in Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, specific number and the pages on which they found the information. No commercial benefit can be obtained. Derivative works cannot be made for commercial purposes that are not authorized by the publisher. The authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, provided that:

  • Clearly indicate that the work was published in Historia de la Educaicón, including its number and pages.

The information from the Journal will be provided to Sherpa / Romeo, Dulcinea, etc.



Historia de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria supports the "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment" - DORA.


Information on the specific contribution of each of the authors to the published articles

The order of signatures/affiliation in the article must respond to the effort and contribution.


Registration of the source of financing of published articles

The financing agency(ies) external to USAL must be indicated, stating the code(s) of the project(s) within the framework of which it has been developed. the research that led to the publication of the article. This information must be referenced by the authorship in the acknowledgments in the article itself. The author in charge of uploading the article to "eUSAL Revistas" must include this metadata at the time of the proposal and in the corresponding section.


Good editorial practices in gender equality

 For good practices in gender equality it is necessary that:

  • Articles will use, to the extent possible, inclusive language.
  • Authors must include their full name (not just the initial of their first name), at least in the metadata.


Use interoperability protocols

 The OAI-PMH protocol is used with the route  https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0212-0267/oai