Domestic Violence, Sexual Abuse and Intellectual Disability: A Single Case Study from a Narrative Perspective

  • Moisés Mañas Olmo
    Universidad de Málaga moises[at]
  • Pablo Cortés González
    Universidad de Málaga
  • Blas González Alba
    Universidad de Málaga


The results of a partial single-case study are presented through the biographical-narrative perspective. Taking into account a broader previous field work, for this text we have conducted a semi-structured interview and two in depth to address in a focal way a case of rape and sexual abuse of Teresa, a person diagnosed with Intellectual Disability (PDID). From the interviews emerge different categories of inductive (domestic violence –sexual abuse, insults, assaults–, identity as a person with disabilities) that are addressed in the discussion in two interpretative axes that correspond to two distinct stages of the participant’s life (the naturalization of violence and the beginning of change as a form of struggle). As most noteworthy results we find facts, in a first stage, that tell us about the repetition over time of two types of abuses (physical, emotional) by their relatives, among which shines the condition of disability status, and, a second stage, we presented her process of personal subversion on which Teresa was able to reconnect this situation. As part of the conclusions, we understood preventive and diversity-respect measures as essential elements for eradicating violence against PCDI.
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Author Biographies

Moisés Mañas Olmo

Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Pablo Cortés González

Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Blas González Alba

Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Málaga. Junta de Andalucía, Grupo de Investigación HUM619 ProCIE