Supported Employment: An Inclusive Alternative for the Socio-Labour Transition of People with Intellectual Disabilities in the Canary Islands

  • María Teresa Peña Quintana
    Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Didáctica e Investigación Educativa mterep1007[at]
  • Lidia Esther Santana Vega
    Universidad de La Laguna
  • Luis Feliciano-García
    Universidad de La Laguna


The competitive employment transition of people with intellectual disabilities in the Canary Islands has shortcomings; hence the Supported Employment programme of is being implemented. This is a model of labour inclusion for people with significant disabilities, based on the accompaniment and support to the person to facilitate their access to employment. This accompaniment and support are provided by the figure of the job coach. The aims of our study are 1) to know the importance of the job coach from the point of view of professionals working in Supported Employment services; 2) to explore the relevance of the previous professional training of the subjects for the success of their inclusion. A qualitative study was carried out with professionals linked to Supported Employment programs in the Canary Islands, using the focus group technique. The results indicate that: 1) the job coach is key to the success of the job placement, being important the support provided to the person and the company; 2) training in basic job skills can be related to successful insertion, also “training on demand”. The role of Supported Employment as an alternative to guarantee the right to social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities is discussed.
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Peña Quintana, M. T., Santana Vega, L. E., & Feliciano-García, L. (2022). Supported Employment: An Inclusive Alternative for the Socio-Labour Transition of People with Intellectual Disabilities in the Canary Islands. Siglo Cero, 53(1), 159–178.


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Peña Quintana

Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Didáctica e Investigación Educativa
Universidad de La Laguna

Lidia Esther Santana Vega

Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Didáctica e Investigación Educativa

Luis Feliciano-García

Universidad de La Laguna
Universidad de La Laguna. Facultad de Educación. Didáctica e Investigación Educativa