Early Attention in COVID-19: Self Perception of Professionals Regarding Teleintervention Support

  • Elena López-Riobóo Moreno
    Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid elena.lopezrioboo[at]downmadrid.org
  • Patricia Páramo Rodriguez
    Fundación Síndrome de Down de Madrid
  • Joanne Mampaso Desbrow
    Universidad Camilo José Cela


The health emergency situation, SARS-Cov-19, declared by the World Health Organization, prompts Early Care Centers to transform the role of the professional in order to continue with the proper functioning of the service. Down Madrid, a non-profit organization, develops a work protocol in response to the needs generated, redefining the priority functions of application in teleintervention. This study analyzes the assessment of professionals regarding the perceived competence in the transformation of the service, describes the manifest satisfaction regarding teleintervention during confinement and points out the change in the role of the associated family. Furthermore, this research identifies, under the construct Family Centered Planning, the true empowerment of families as the main pillar of treatment. The results allow us to affirm that 100 % of the professionals consider the interaction with the family successful and 83.3 % perceive a greater empowerment in the family members as transforming agents of change. As future lines of research, it is necessary to provide more scientific evidence that allows us to affirm that the symbiosis between professionals and families, in the telematic environment, is a reality.
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