Personal and School Factors Underlying the Self-Determined Behaviour of Children and Adolescents: Review of the Literature

  • Leticia Blázquez Arribas
    Universidad de Salamanca leticia.blaz[at]
  • María Isabel Calvo Álvarez
    Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Begoña Orgaz Baz
    Universidad de Salamanca


Self-determination is a dispositional characteristic that is evident when the person has certain control over their own lives. It is acquired throughout life in interaction with the environment, hence the importance of evaluating the contextual factors that can influence it. This study aims to review publications from the last years that have investigated the contextual factors that can influence the self-determination of young students with intellectual disabilities. Nineteen articles and two doctoral theses published during the 2015-2020 were analyzed. All of them use a quantitative methodology, except for two studies that use a qualitative methodology. The studies indicate mixed results regarding personal variables, such as gender, age or IQ. Regarding school factors, the differences between regular and special education are considered. However, educational supports acquire more significance to promote self-determination. In the end, the strategies used in the classroom and individualized student-supports show an influence in the self-determination of this group.
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Blázquez Arribas, L., Calvo Álvarez, M. I., & Orgaz Baz, M. B. (2021). Personal and School Factors Underlying the Self-Determined Behaviour of Children and Adolescents: Review of the Literature. Siglo Cero, 52(4), 109–130.

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