Design and Validation of the Planning Centered Person Scale (S-PCP)


Much research has been developed concerning the application and effects of Person-Centered Planning (PCP). Nevertheless, there are no standardized instruments adapted to the Spanish context. This study seeks to design and validate the Person Centered Planning Scale (E-PCP) in order to offer a valid and reliable instrument to do so. For its construction and content validation, the bibliographic review has been used and the Delphi technique has been applied. The resulting scale has been applied to a sample of 102 professionals who work in intellectual disability care centers in Asturias, which has allowed the analysis of their psychometric properties. In order to analyze the construct validity, a cross-validation was carried out, using exploratory factor analysis (AFE) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results show a scale with a good reliability (? = ,96), explaining the 58 % of variance and with a Single-factor structure made up by 16 items. Its short length, reliability and validity indicate that this instrument can be useful for both research and professional practice.
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