Design of a short personal assistance model for people with intellectual disabilities in Chile

  • Alberto Minoletti
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina aminoletti2[at]
  • Pamela Gutiérrez
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
  • M.ª José Poblete
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
  • Bernardita López
    Avanza Inclusión Sociolaboral
  • Juan Bustos
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
  • Carla Muñoz
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
  • Esteban Encina
    Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina


Personal assistance for people with intellectual disabilities can contribute to the application of the new paradigms of self-determination and social inclusion and to an improvement in the quality of life. Through a literature review and analysis with professional experts, experts from experience and potential users, a brief model of personal assistance was developed to be executed by community agents with professional supervision. The model considers activities in the usual spaces of people and their families, with support for the use of community formal and informal resources and the reinforcement of social support networks that continue operating once the intervention ends. With duration of 9 months, the model is developed through a 3-stage process: 1) engagement and formulation of an individualized plan, 2) implementation of the plan, and 3) participants’ learning reinforcement and transfer to support networks. The feasibility of the model in Latin American countries and the need for studies to evaluate its implementation are discussed.
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Minoletti, A., Gutiérrez, P., Poblete, M. J., López, B., Bustos, J., Muñoz, C., & Encina, E. (2020). Design of a short personal assistance model for people with intellectual disabilities in Chile. Siglo Cero, 51(2), 99–117.


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Author Biographies

Alberto Minoletti

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina

Pamela Gutiérrez

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina

M.ª José Poblete

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina

Bernardita López

Avanza Inclusión Sociolaboral
Avanza Inclusión Sociolaboral

Juan Bustos

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina

Carla Muñoz

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina

Esteban Encina

Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina
Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina