Support in the advance towards more inclusive education in schools: an analysis of action guides

  • Cecilia María Azorín Abellán
    Universidad de Murcia cmaria.azorin[at]
  • Marta Sandoval Mena
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


The aim of this study was to review the guides available in the educational research literature that support the development of more inclusive practices. The paper, therefore, reports on the analyses of a compendium of thirteen guides (mainly published in English) that address the following aspects: the purposes for which they were created, the perspective of inclusion they take as their starting point, the target readership, the stage at which they are most functional, the action strategies proposed, the basic structure on which they are founded, the dimensions and indicators used to stimulate reflection and the evaluation tools and instruments put forward. The approach is of a qualitative nature and enables us to enquire into the steps these papers recommend education centers should take in their journeys towards inclusion. The conclusions point to the need to make use of and to make known these types of resources in the Spanish speaking world by generating spaces for reflection and debate that will help to advance in this field.
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Author Biographies

Cecilia María Azorín Abellán

Universidad de Murcia
Universidad de Murcia

Marta Sandoval Mena

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid