Contextual events related to the occurrence of challenging behavior in educational settings

  • Alba Cortina Serra
    University of Vic acortina[at]
  • David Simó Pinatella
    Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Cristina Mumbardó Adam
    Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Marga Güell Gubianas
  • Edwin Jones
    University Health Board


Challenging behaviors (CB) displayed by people with intellectual disabilities (ID) have a negative effect on their quality of life. The operant theory principles emphasize the relationship between these behaviors and the environment where they take place. This study aimed to identify the contextual variables that are closely related to the occurrence of CB exhibited by children who attend a special school by using an indirect functional assessment instrument; the Contextual Assessment Inventory. Therefore, 17 students have participated in this study where a total of 25 behaviors have been assessed. The results suggested that the social/cultural and the nature of the task or activity categories were more strongly associated with the occurrence of CB. Finally, results are discussed in terms of implications for practitioners. Future researches might address the importance of prevention and universal educational systems.
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Author Biographies

Alba Cortina Serra

University of Vic
AMPANS. Manresa. Barcelona. University of Vic. C/ Sagrada Familia, 7. 08500 Vic, Barcelona, España.

David Simó Pinatella

Universitat Ramon Llull
AMPANS. Manresa. Barcelona. Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport. Blanquerna. Barcelona, España.

Cristina Mumbardó Adam

Universitat Ramon Llull
Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport. Blanquerna. Barcelona, España.

Marga Güell Gubianas

AMPANS. Manresa. Barcelona

Edwin Jones

University Health Board
University Health Board. Service Development Consultant at Abertawe Bro, Morgannwg. Reino Unido.