Safety, Inclusion and Technology: a Technological Solution for Emergency Situations


Security and access to prevention-related information and training should be rights guaranteed for all. This is not the case, however, for most people with intellectual disabilities (ID), who may face numerous difficulties when dealing with emergency situations. The SIT (Safety, Inclusion and Technology) project is focused on designing and developing a technological solution for identifying individuals with ID in emergencies, attending to them, and providing preventive training to improve their self-determination and quality of life. To do so, we have used Design-Based Research (DBR) owing to its characteristic cyclical refinement of designed products. This research method has enabled us to validate the contents of the final versions of the SOSDI Application and SIT project website. In this paper we describe the flow of operation, provide a detailed definition of the components of both products, and discuss accessibility features we have taken into account to ensure cognitive accessibility.
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