Organization of Educational Support for an Inclusive School from the Perspective of Specialist Teachers

  • Javier Abellán Rubio
    University of Murcia javier.abellanr[at]
  • Salvador Alcaraz
    University of Murcia
  • Pilar Arnaiz-Sánchez
    University of Murcia


The organization of educational support in schools is closely related to the degree of inclusion pursued in educational practice. The inclusive model of support depends on how it is conceived at the centres. This will have a direct impact on how the specialist teachers (Therapeutic Pedagogy Teacher –Pt– and Hearing and Language Teacher –Al–) perform their roles. The general objective of this study was to analyse the organization of support education in primary and secondary schools as perceived by specialist teachers. Descriptive, non-experimental mixed research was carried out. A questionnaire was used with open and closed questions completed by 23 teachers. The results highlighted the use of spaces differentiated from the mainstream classroom, where the actions of the support teacher were often not in line with the general dynamics carried out by the mainstream teachers. It was concluded that coordination and responsibility between support teachers and mainstream classroom teachers were not generally shared in a collaborative manner. The study highlighted an organization of support based on the deficit model, whose corrective and compensatory principles did not allow support to be extended to all regular classrooms and to be more inclusive.
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