Universal Design and Physical Disability: Perceptions on the Use of Support Designs for Smartphone by Adults with Cerebral Palsy

  • Iván Carlos Curioso-Vílchez
    Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima. Perú icurioso[at]cientifica.edu.pe
  • Lígia Maria Presumido Braccialli
    Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo. Brasil


The Universal Design (UD) of products for people with physical disabilities, such as adults with cerebral palsy is lacking in scientific evidence. The objective of this paper is to know the perceptions of the use of support designs for smartphones, taking the seven principles of the UD as a framework by analyzing a focus group. Face-to-face interviews were performed with adults with cerebral palsy from the countryside of São Paulo, Brazil. Six support designs were taken as an example to use the smartphone on a flat surface or another type of surface, which were evaluated by the group of participants. One design was selected that was useful for everyone regardless of their disability and that showed additional functions for using the smartphone. In conclusion, the study based on the DU model is a valuable theoretical and practical tool to identify the perspectives of people with disabilities, as well as to reflect on the improvements of the product that can be adapted to their needs.  
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