Severe Disability. Perspectives and Lines of Action


In academic literature, disability and employment are normally studied as one unique field, not minding that there is enormous diversity among them. What should be taken into account is the fact that disabilities could turn into a barrier when it comes to entering the Spanish labor market. This task turns into something worse depending on the type and degree of disability. That is why it is very important to be aware of different disability degrees. In this way, Spanish law has distinguished what is considered to be a disability of “special difficulty”, stating a way of measuring the different disabilities degrees. This paper focuses on the characteristics of this disadvantage, showing those aspects of which make a difference from the rest of the disabilities. Strategic action lines, in which these differences are taken into account, are proposed to be followed by the Public Administration, to give a specific response to support these people in a better and more accurate way. Their incorporation into the labor market is not only a laudable purpose and a social responsibility, but it also generates a positive impact on the economy, in which sheltered employment has become increasingly important in recent years.
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Author Biography

Jordi Carrillo Pujol

Geneva Business School
Av República Argentina 58, 2-2 08023 Barcelona