Proceso de evaluación de pictogramas: Catálogo de señalización accesible andaluz


Everyone needs to rely on elements in their context to move around their own environment with independence. People with permanent or temporary comprehension difficulties need specific support to be able to do so. Pictograms are some of the supports that can render a context cognitively and universally accessible. They are signs which need to be validated using standardized norms such as ISO 9186. This study aimed to increase the number of pictograms available for signposting buildings, and to evaluate their accessibility.  Data were collected both via online interviews and self-administered questionnaires, in two phases: assessment of comprehensibility and translucency, and perceptual quality. A total of 1462 participants assessed the pictograms’ comprehension and 270 evaluated their perceptual quality. The sample included individuals of different groups and cognitive profiles. One hundred and fifty one pictograms were evaluated and 55 were selected after fulfilling comprehension, translucency, and perceptual quality criteria. The study is a relevant contribution to the database of pictograms available for use in private and public buildings and provides a group of validated signs that can benefit everyone by facilitating cognitive accessibility in spatial environments.
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