About the Journal

The journal

Siglo Cero is the Spanish journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, published by Salamanca University Press (EUSAL) in collaboration with Plena inclusión España.

The journal accepts original and unpublished papers in Spanish or English, whose theme is focused, preferably, on intellectual and developmental disabilities, and that are not under consideration by other journals that publish texts on "intellectual and developmental disabilities".

Articles submitted for publication must have methodological rigor and provide useful conclusions for researchers, professionals, family members, and those dedicated to improving support and care for persons with disabilities and their families. The journal preferably publishes original empirical articles. Theoretical and conceptual articles are also considered for publication, as long as they contribute relevant discussion on critical and current issues of research and practice in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities. The journal is based on a multidisciplinary perspective, so works coming from psychology, education, sociology, medicine, law, social work, and other fields of knowledge are welcomed.

The journal is aimed at a multidisciplinary readership in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Frequency of publication


Open access policy

Since the very moment of publication of manuscripts, Siglo Cero will provide access to the full text.

No Charges for Levied Processing Contributions or for Publication in Open Access Format (APC)

The Journal does not levy charges for processing of articles, nor for editing them or publishing them in open access format [article processing charges (APCs)].

Commitment to Research Submitted by Novice Authors and Authors from Developing Countries

The Journal Siglo Cero supports the research carried out by authors or research teams coming from developing countries, especially from Latin-America, whose texts are presented in scientific language, preferably in Spanish or English.

We are also committed to novice authors from all over the world who wish to send their articles written in said languages.

Permission to Self-Archive and Digital Preservation

Authors are allowed to share their works on the internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web sites) always after publication (in no case prior to the review, layout or even in the phase of proof-reading). These measures are taken to encourage reading and citation of the article as well as to achieve a greater and faster dissemination of the published work (see The Effect of Open Access).

The Journal can be accessed through the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca:

The journal can also be accessed through the Service on Information on Disability of the University of Salamanca.

This Journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the Journal with a view to preservation and restoration.

Published article identifiers

Siglo Cero requires authors to be identified in ORCID to normalize the citation of their publications.

If the authors do not agree with this, please explicitly state this in writing to the editorial office (scero@usal.es) or associated editor in charge of managing the peer review process.

Dissemination in Databases

The Journal is committed to the provision of XML metadata or in other specific formats, immediately after publication in «EUSAL Revistas» and before three months have elapsed in order to foster diffusion in databases (Proquest, Ebsco, Elsevier, DOAJ, CrossRef/DOI).

Golden Roads to Open Access

Salamanca University Press (eUsal), follows the Golden Roads to Open Access since 2015, so it is possible to download full texts in PDF format of the Siglo Cero journal meeting, therefore, the provisions of Enactment 14/2011, 1st June, concerning Science, Technology and Innovation.



JFFG: Discapacidad: aspectos sociales.


JFFG: Disability: social aspects.


SOC029000: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Handicapped.

Language, Identification of Text Authorship


Contributions will be published in Spanish, English and, exceptionally, in French.

Text Identification

The texts must always be identified with the following data:

  • Título, resumen y palabras clave (in Spanish).
  • Title, abstract, and Key Words (in English).
  • Title, abstract, and key Words in the language in which the publication of the manuscript is intended.

Interoperability protocols

The OAI-PMH protocol is used with the route <https://revistas.usal.es/tres/index.php/0210-1696/oai/>


Plena Inclusión

Sources of Support

Being a multidisciplinar journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, Siglo Cero is the scientific journal of Plena inclusión 

 Sections of the Journal

Siglo Cero, is articulated in several sections:

  1. Presentation.
  2. Articles and experiences: The monographic nature is a very useful publication system as it allows to delve into the topics, as well as to resort to the most indicated numbers when the reader needs theoretical or practical foundation on a topic for their own research, professional practices or knowledge and, therefore, on some occasions, the system for choosing monographic themes that give unity to each number will be maintained.
    • Preference will be given to articles that present empirical research and applications, innovations in care and support, contributions in evaluation and intervention, concise theoretical reviews and other studies of interest to the field of disability.
  3. Other contributions that are also welcomed are:
    • Brief communications related to summaries or conclusions about events already carried out or information about partial results of ongoing research programs. These works will not require an abstract or bibliography.
    • Letters to the editor referring to the articles already published in the journal, which may be published based on the estimated interest and provided that they imply advances or novelties regarding the previous information.
    • Announcements or news about events of a national or international nature related to disability or bibliographic news.

No matter their nature, works must be original, unpublished, and not being under consideration by other journals.

Ethics and Accountability of the Journal

Siglo Cero is committed to guaranteeing the ethics and quality of published articles, as well as the review and editing processes, taking into account the lines established by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), in order to offer responsible scientific publications.

On the part of the authors

Authors must verify compliance with the APA's ethical standards, as well as its rules for the presentation of research results, and are also responsible for disclosing or notifying the editor of potential conflicts of interest.

By sending their originals to the journal, the authors agree to accept the usual procedures in the scientific community: The works sent must be original, unpublished, and must always refer to the sources used in their preparation. Plagiarism must be avoided in all its forms. The submitted papers must not have been previously published and must not be subject to evaluation by other journals. This also implies that authors will not be able to submit their papers to other journals until the evaluation process of their manuscripts sent to Siglo Cero has finished.

The authors will take into account the submission guidelines established by the journal when sending their works for publication.

Regarding the authorship of the work, it is assumed that all the people listed as authors have given their consent, assume responsibility for the content and must have contributed to the completion of the submitted work. The order of signatures/affiliation in the article must respond to the effort and contribution.

In the "Methods" section of the text, the permissions or consents obtained to gather the data must be indicated, especially for the cases when participants are underage and/or persons whose legal capacity has been modified. In any case, the procedure will be in accordance with current regulations on data protection in the countries of origin of the investigations.

Research involving humans or animals must be conducted ethically with due regard to informed consent. In these cases, authors are requested to include in the manuscript a statement of Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee approval, that is, an explicit statement identifying the review and ethics committee approval for each study, if applicable, as well as a brief description of how consent was obtained and from whom. The editors reserve the right to reject documents if there is any doubt as to whether the proper ethical procedures have been followed.

Authors must clearly identify, if any, the source of funding for their work, mentioning the responsible entity(ies). The financing agency(ies) external to University of Salamanca must be indicated, stating the code(s) of the project(s) within which the research has been conducted. This data must be referenced by the authors in the acknowledgments in the article itself. The author in charge of submitting the article to the journal must enter this metadata at the time of the proposal and in the corresponding section.

The authors may reasonably suggest the name of potential reviewers, or express their refusal to be evaluated by reviewers with whom there may be a conflict of interest.

Once their work is accepted for publication, the authors acquire the commitment to review the correction proofs within the deadlines set by the journal.

The anonymity of people must be protected and omit any identifying information (including name, address, date of birth, or any other personal data). Any presentation that has not been approved by an internal review board or ethics committee, but that includes the person's information (such as clinical case presentations, images or case studies), requires, in case of legal modification of capacity and/or in underage participants, that the parent or legal guardian has signed the permission for its publication and the written consent of the person with disability (if they are not legally incapacitated to do so).

On the part of the editorial team

The articles will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief, editorial office, the associate editor in charge of the article, and by the editorial board, and the editorial team may directly reject the received papers when they consider that they do not follow the publication standards of the journal, that they do not meet the minimum requirements, or that they do not conform to the goals and scope of the journal.

The editorial team will be impartial in the management of the works, ensuring at all times the confidentiality of the evaluation process and the anonymity of the authorship of the works until they have been accepted for publication.

The members of the editorial team will not use the results of unpublished works without the express consent of the authors.

Possible conflicts of interest with authors or reviewers will be notified by members of the editorial team to the editor-in-chief and/or editorial office.

On the part of the reviewers (editorial board)

Reviewers must take into account the editorial policies and the Guide of Best Practices for Scientific Journals, from  Salamanca University Press (https://revistas.usal.es/buenas_practicas.php?lang=en).

The reviewers will evaluate in a respectful, constructive, and impartial manner, those works for which they consider themselves qualified, refraining from evaluating articles in which there may be a conflict of interest; and they will inform the editorial team of possible bad practices they detect.

The reviewers must comply with the review deadlines established by Siglo Cero so that the publication of the works that are accepted does not suffer delays.

Accountability of the Journal

The editorial team will not be responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by authors in the articles published in the Journal: The opinions expressed in the papers are solely and exclusively the responsibility of the authors and do not compromise the opinion and scientific policy of the journal. In the same way, and for the works to be considered for publication, the activities described will be in accordance with the generally accepted criteria of ethics and professional deontology in the field in which the study is framed, both in terms of the work with humans and animal experimentation. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the authors to ensure compliance with our Ethics Policy.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

This Journal adheres to the principle of transparency and good practices set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Concerning © and CC BY-NC-SA rights

Authors publishing in Siglo Cero must agree to accept the following conditions:

The authors conserve the copyright © and cede the publication rights to Salamanca University Press and Plena inclusión,  under the license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which allows third parties the possibility of distributing and exhibiting the article as long as they cite the authorship, its publication in the Journal Siglo Cero, the specific issue, and the pages on which the information appears. Derived works for commercial purposes not authorized by the editorial Board are not permitted.

Authors may engage in other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive diffusion of the version of their article published in Siglo Cero as long as:

  • It is clearly indicated that the work was published in the Journal Siglo Cero, together with the specific issue and the pages on which the information quoted appears.

The information of the Journal will be transmitted to, Dulcinea, among others.


SIGLO CERO, supports the "Declaration of San Francisco on evaluation of research" - DORA.

Information on the specific contribution of each of the authors to the published articles

The order of signatures/affiliation in the article should reflect the effort and contribution.

Registration funder of articles published

Authors must clearly identify, if any, the source of funding for their work, mentioning the responsible entity(ies). The financing agency(ies) external to University of Salamanca must be indicated, stating the code(s) of the project(s) within which the research has been conducted. This data must be referenced by the authors in the acknowledgments in the article itself. The author in charge of submitting the article to the journal must enter this metadata at the time of the proposal and in the corresponding section.

Good editorial practices in gender equality

Good practice in gender equality requires that:

  • Articles should include, as far as possible, the use of inclusive language;
  • Authors should include full names (not just first initials), at least in the metadata.