Mejora de la autodeterminación y la calidad de vida en adultos con necesidades generalizadas de apoyo
Resumen Existen evidencias que relacionan la promoción de la autodeterminación en personas con discapacidad con la mejora de su calidad de vida. Si bien se reconoce la importancia del constructo de autodeterminación para todas las personas con discapacidad, independientemente de sus necesidades de apoyo, no disponemos de evidencias que describan intervenciones con personas con necesidades generalizadas de apoyo. El objetivo de este estudio fue implementar una adaptación del Modelo de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Autodeterminación en adultos con discapacidad intelectual y necesidades de apoyo generalizadas. En concreto, 44 mujeres formaron parte del estudio (12 en el grupo experimental y 32 en el grupo control) con un grado medio de discapacidad superior al 75%. Los resultados señalan una mejora en su autodeterminación y calidad de vida y constituyen una de las pocas evidencias empíricas de la promoción de la autodeterminación y la aplicabilidad del modelo a personas con necesidades generalizadas.
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AGRAN, M., BLANCHARD, C., WEHMEYER, M. L. y HUGHES, C. (2002). Increasing the problem solving skills of students with developmental disabilities participating in general education. Remedial and Special Education, 23(5), 279-288.
COTE, D. L., JONES, V. L., BARNETT, C., PAVELEK, K., NGUYEN, H. y SPARKS, S. L. (2014). Teaching problem solving skills to elementary age students with autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 49(2), 189-199.
Equipo de profesionales ASPRONA. (2002). La autodeterminación de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. FEAPS. Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
FIELD, S. y HOFFMAN, A. (2000). Steps to self-determination idea book. Wayne State University.
FINN, D., GETZEL, E. E. y McMANUS, S. (2008). Adapting the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction for college students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(2), 85-93.
GÓMEZ, L. E., ALCEDO, M. A., VERDUGO, M. Á., ARIAS, B., FONTANIL, Y., ARIAS, V. B, ... y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2016). Escala KidsLife: evaluación de la calidad de vida de niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual. Publicaciones del INICO.
GÓMEZ, L. E., SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2021). A new paradigm in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities: characteristics and evaluation. Psicothema, 33(1), 28-35.
GÓMEZ, L. E., VERDUGO, M. Á. y ARIAS, B. (2015). Validity and reliability of the Inico-Feaps Scale: an assessment of quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 36, 600-610.
GRIGAL, M., NEUBERT, D., MOON, M. y GRAHAM, S. (2003). Self-determination for students with disabilities: views of parents and teachers. Exceptional Children, 70(1), 97-112.
Grupo de autogestores de ATZEGI. (2009). Autodeterminación. FEAPS. Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
HAGIWARA, M., SHOGREN, K. y LEKO, M. (2017). Reviewing research on the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction: mapping the terrain and charting a course to promote adoption and use. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 1(1), 3-13.
KIM, N. H. y PARK, J. (2012). The effects of the family-involved SDLMI on academic engagement and goal attainment of middle school students with disabilities who exhibit problem behavior. International Journal of Special Education, 27(1), 117-127.
LACHAPELLE, Y., WEHMEYER, M., HAELEWYCK, M., COURBOIS, Y., KEITH, K., SCHALOCK, R., VERDUGO, M. Á. y WALSH, P. N. (2005). The relationship between quality of life and self-determination: an international study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, 74-744.
MARTORELL, A., GUTIÉRREZ-RECACHA, P., PEREDA, A. y AYUSO-MATEOS, J. L. (2008). Identification of personal factors that determine work outcome for adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(12), 1091-1101.
MAZZOTTI, V. L., TEST, D. W. y WOOD, C. L. (2012). Effects of multimedia goal-setting on students’ knowledge of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction and disruptive behavior. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 15(2), 90-102.
McDOUGALL, J., EVANS, J. y BALDWIN, P. (2010). The importance of self-determination to perceived quality of life for youth and young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 252-260.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., GUÀRDIA-OLMOS, J., GINÉ, C., SHOGREN, K. A. y VICENTE, E. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Spanish Version of the Self-Determination Inventory Student Self-Report: a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123(6), 545-557.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., VICENTE, E., GINÉ, C., GUÀRDIA-OLMOS, J., RALEY, S. K. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2017). Promoviendo la autodeterminación en el aula: el Modelo de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Autodeterminación. Siglo Cero, 48(2), 41-59.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., VICENTE, E., SIMÓ-PINATELLA, D. y COMA, T. (2020). Understanding practitioners’ needs in supporting self-determination in people with intellectual disability. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(4), 341-351.
NONNEMACHER, S. L. y BAMBARA, L. M. (2011). “I’m supposed to be in charge”: Self-advocates’ perspectives on their self-determination support needs. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 327-340.
NOTA, L., FERRARI, L., SORESI, S. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2007). Self-determination, social abilities, and the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 850-865.
PALMER, S. B. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2003). Promoting self-determination in early elementary school: teaching self-regulated problem-solving and goal-setting Skills. Remedial and Special Education, 24(2), 115-126.
PASCUAL-GARCÍA, D. M., GARRIDO-FERNÁNDEZ, M. y ANTEQUERA-JURADO, R. (2014). Autodeterminación y calidad de vida: un programa para la mejora de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual. Psicología Educativa, 20(1), 33-38.
PONCE, A. (2010). Formación en autodeterminación para familias. FEAPS, Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
SCHALOCK, R. L., GÓMEZ, L. E., VERDUGO, M. Á. y REINDERS, H. S. (2016). Moving us toward a theory of individual quality of life. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121, 1-12.
SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2002). Quality of life for human service practitioners. American Association on Mental Retardation.
SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2007). El concepto de calidad de vida en los servicios y apoyos para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Siglo Cero, 38, 21-36.
SHOGREN, K. A., RALEY, S. K., BURKE, K. M. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2018). The Self Determined Learning Model of Instruction: teacher’s guide. Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities.
SHOGREN, K. A., WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S. B., FORBER-PRATT, A. J., LITTLE, T. J. y LOPEZ, S. (2015). Causal agency theory: reconceptualizing a functional model of self-determination. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50(3), 251-263.
VEGA, V., ÁLVAREZ-AGUADO, I., SPENCER, H. y GONZÁLEZ, F. (2020). Avanzando en autodeterminación: estudio sobre las autopercepciones de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual desde una perspectiva de investigación inclusiva. Siglo Cero, 51(1), 31-52.
VERDUGO, M. Á., ARIAS, B., GÓMEZ, L. E. y SCHALOCK, R. L. (2010). Development of an objective instrument to assess quality of life in social services: reliability and validity in Spain. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10, 105-123
VERDUGO, M. Á., GÓMEZ, L. E., ARIAS, B., SANTAMARÍA, M., NAVALLAS, E., FERNÁNDEZ, S. y HIERRO, I. (2014). Escala San Martín. Evaluación de la calidad de vida de personas con discapacidades significativas. FOSM.
VERDUGO, M. Á., SCHALOCK, R. L. y GÓMEZ, L. E. (2021). El Modelo de Calidad de Vida y Apoyos: la unión tras veinticinco años de caminos paralelos. Siglo Cero, 52(3), 9-28.
VERDUGO, M. Á., VICENTE, E., GÓMEZ-VELA, M., FERNÁNDEZ, R., WEHMEYER, M. L., BADIA, M., GONZÁLEZ-GIL, F. y CALVO, M. I. (2015). Escala ARC-INICO de Evaluación de la Autodeterminación. Manual de aplicación y corrección. Publicaciones del INICO.
VERDUGO, M. Á., VICENTE, E., GUILLÉN, V. M., SÁNCHEZ, S., IBÁÑEZ, A., FERNÁNDEZ-PULIDO, R., GÓMEZ, L. E., COMA, T., BRAVO-ÁLVAREZ, M. A. y VIVED, E (2021). Escala AUTODDIS: evaluación de la Autodeterminación de jóvenes y adultos con discapacidad intelectual. Manual de aplicación y corrección. Publicaciones del INICO.
VICENTE, E., CALVO-ÁLVAREZ, M. I., VERDUGO-ALONSO, M. Á. y GUILLÉN-MARTÍN, V. M. (2018). El rol de los factores personales y familiares en la autodeterminación de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Revista de Psicología Educativa, 24(2), 75-83.
VICENTE, E., COMA, T., MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C. y SIMÓ-PINATELLA, D. (2020). Self-determination and people with intellectual disability: a construct analysis from a professional perspective. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69(3), 822-836.
VICENTE, E., MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., GUILLÉN, V. M., COMA, T., BRAVO, M. Á. y SÁNCHEZ, S. (2020). Self-determination in people with intellectual disability: the mediating role of opportunities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6201.
WEHMEYER, M. L. (2005). Self-determination and individuals with severe disabilities: Re-examining meanings and misinterpretations. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 30(3), 113-120.
WEHMEYER, M. L. (2020). The importance of self-determination to the quality of life of people with intellectual disability: a perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7121.
WEHMEYER, M. L., ABERY, B. H., ZHANG, D., WARD, K., WILLIS, D., HOSSAIN, W. A., BALCAZAR, F., BALL, A., BACON, A., CALKINS, C., HELLER, T., GOODE, T., DIAS, R., JESIEN, G. S., McVEIGH, T., NYGREN, M. A., PALMER, S. B. y WALKER, H. M. (2011). Personal self-determination and moderating variables that impact efforts to promote self-determination. Exceptionality, 19, 19-30.
WEHMEYER, M. L., LATTIMORE, J., JORGENSEN, J., PALMER, S. B., THOMPSON, E. y SCHUMAKER, K. M. (2003). The Self-Determined Career Development Model: a pilot study. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 19, 79-87.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S., AGRAN, M., MITHAUG, D. y MARTIN, J. (2000). Promoting causal agency: the self-determined learning model of instruction. Exceptional Children, 66, 439-453.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S. B., SHOGREN, K. A., WILLIAMS-DIEHM, K. y SOUKUP, J. H. (2013). Establishing a causal relationship between intervention to promote self-determination and enhanced student self-determination. The Journal of Special Education, 46(4), 195-210.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PERALTA, F., ZULUETA, A., GONZÁLEZ-TORRES, M.C. y SOBRINO, A. (2006). Escala de Autodeterminación Personal: instrumento de valoración y guía de aplicación. Editorial CEPE.
WEHMEYER, M. L. y SCHALOCK, R. (2001). Self-determination and quality and life: implications for special education services and supports. Focus on Exceptional Children, 33, 1-16.
WEHMEYER, M. L. y SCHWARTZ, M. (1998). The relationship between self-determination and quality of life for adults with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 33, 3-12.
WEHMEYER, M. L., SHOGREN, K. A., PALMER, S. B., WILLIAMS-DIEHM, K. L., LITTLE, T. D. y BOULTON, A. (2012). The impact of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on student self-determination. Exceptional Children, 78(2), 135-153.
COTE, D. L., JONES, V. L., BARNETT, C., PAVELEK, K., NGUYEN, H. y SPARKS, S. L. (2014). Teaching problem solving skills to elementary age students with autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 49(2), 189-199.
Equipo de profesionales ASPRONA. (2002). La autodeterminación de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. FEAPS. Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
FIELD, S. y HOFFMAN, A. (2000). Steps to self-determination idea book. Wayne State University.
FINN, D., GETZEL, E. E. y McMANUS, S. (2008). Adapting the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction for college students with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31(2), 85-93.
GÓMEZ, L. E., ALCEDO, M. A., VERDUGO, M. Á., ARIAS, B., FONTANIL, Y., ARIAS, V. B, ... y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2016). Escala KidsLife: evaluación de la calidad de vida de niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual. Publicaciones del INICO.
GÓMEZ, L. E., SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2021). A new paradigm in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities: characteristics and evaluation. Psicothema, 33(1), 28-35.
GÓMEZ, L. E., VERDUGO, M. Á. y ARIAS, B. (2015). Validity and reliability of the Inico-Feaps Scale: an assessment of quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 36, 600-610.
GRIGAL, M., NEUBERT, D., MOON, M. y GRAHAM, S. (2003). Self-determination for students with disabilities: views of parents and teachers. Exceptional Children, 70(1), 97-112.
Grupo de autogestores de ATZEGI. (2009). Autodeterminación. FEAPS. Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
HAGIWARA, M., SHOGREN, K. y LEKO, M. (2017). Reviewing research on the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction: mapping the terrain and charting a course to promote adoption and use. Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 1(1), 3-13.
KIM, N. H. y PARK, J. (2012). The effects of the family-involved SDLMI on academic engagement and goal attainment of middle school students with disabilities who exhibit problem behavior. International Journal of Special Education, 27(1), 117-127.
LACHAPELLE, Y., WEHMEYER, M., HAELEWYCK, M., COURBOIS, Y., KEITH, K., SCHALOCK, R., VERDUGO, M. Á. y WALSH, P. N. (2005). The relationship between quality of life and self-determination: an international study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, 74-744.
MARTORELL, A., GUTIÉRREZ-RECACHA, P., PEREDA, A. y AYUSO-MATEOS, J. L. (2008). Identification of personal factors that determine work outcome for adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52(12), 1091-1101.
MAZZOTTI, V. L., TEST, D. W. y WOOD, C. L. (2012). Effects of multimedia goal-setting on students’ knowledge of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction and disruptive behavior. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 15(2), 90-102.
McDOUGALL, J., EVANS, J. y BALDWIN, P. (2010). The importance of self-determination to perceived quality of life for youth and young adults with chronic conditions and disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 252-260.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., GUÀRDIA-OLMOS, J., GINÉ, C., SHOGREN, K. A. y VICENTE, E. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Spanish Version of the Self-Determination Inventory Student Self-Report: a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 123(6), 545-557.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., VICENTE, E., GINÉ, C., GUÀRDIA-OLMOS, J., RALEY, S. K. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2017). Promoviendo la autodeterminación en el aula: el Modelo de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Autodeterminación. Siglo Cero, 48(2), 41-59.
MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., VICENTE, E., SIMÓ-PINATELLA, D. y COMA, T. (2020). Understanding practitioners’ needs in supporting self-determination in people with intellectual disability. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(4), 341-351.
NONNEMACHER, S. L. y BAMBARA, L. M. (2011). “I’m supposed to be in charge”: Self-advocates’ perspectives on their self-determination support needs. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 327-340.
NOTA, L., FERRARI, L., SORESI, S. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2007). Self-determination, social abilities, and the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 51, 850-865.
PALMER, S. B. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2003). Promoting self-determination in early elementary school: teaching self-regulated problem-solving and goal-setting Skills. Remedial and Special Education, 24(2), 115-126.
PASCUAL-GARCÍA, D. M., GARRIDO-FERNÁNDEZ, M. y ANTEQUERA-JURADO, R. (2014). Autodeterminación y calidad de vida: un programa para la mejora de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual. Psicología Educativa, 20(1), 33-38.
PONCE, A. (2010). Formación en autodeterminación para familias. FEAPS, Cuadernos de Buenas Prácticas.
SCHALOCK, R. L., GÓMEZ, L. E., VERDUGO, M. Á. y REINDERS, H. S. (2016). Moving us toward a theory of individual quality of life. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121, 1-12.
SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2002). Quality of life for human service practitioners. American Association on Mental Retardation.
SCHALOCK, R. L. y VERDUGO, M. Á. (2007). El concepto de calidad de vida en los servicios y apoyos para personas con discapacidad intelectual. Siglo Cero, 38, 21-36.
SHOGREN, K. A., RALEY, S. K., BURKE, K. M. y WEHMEYER, M. L. (2018). The Self Determined Learning Model of Instruction: teacher’s guide. Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities.
SHOGREN, K. A., WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S. B., FORBER-PRATT, A. J., LITTLE, T. J. y LOPEZ, S. (2015). Causal agency theory: reconceptualizing a functional model of self-determination. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50(3), 251-263.
VEGA, V., ÁLVAREZ-AGUADO, I., SPENCER, H. y GONZÁLEZ, F. (2020). Avanzando en autodeterminación: estudio sobre las autopercepciones de personas adultas con discapacidad intelectual desde una perspectiva de investigación inclusiva. Siglo Cero, 51(1), 31-52.
VERDUGO, M. Á., ARIAS, B., GÓMEZ, L. E. y SCHALOCK, R. L. (2010). Development of an objective instrument to assess quality of life in social services: reliability and validity in Spain. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10, 105-123
VERDUGO, M. Á., GÓMEZ, L. E., ARIAS, B., SANTAMARÍA, M., NAVALLAS, E., FERNÁNDEZ, S. y HIERRO, I. (2014). Escala San Martín. Evaluación de la calidad de vida de personas con discapacidades significativas. FOSM.
VERDUGO, M. Á., SCHALOCK, R. L. y GÓMEZ, L. E. (2021). El Modelo de Calidad de Vida y Apoyos: la unión tras veinticinco años de caminos paralelos. Siglo Cero, 52(3), 9-28.
VERDUGO, M. Á., VICENTE, E., GÓMEZ-VELA, M., FERNÁNDEZ, R., WEHMEYER, M. L., BADIA, M., GONZÁLEZ-GIL, F. y CALVO, M. I. (2015). Escala ARC-INICO de Evaluación de la Autodeterminación. Manual de aplicación y corrección. Publicaciones del INICO.
VERDUGO, M. Á., VICENTE, E., GUILLÉN, V. M., SÁNCHEZ, S., IBÁÑEZ, A., FERNÁNDEZ-PULIDO, R., GÓMEZ, L. E., COMA, T., BRAVO-ÁLVAREZ, M. A. y VIVED, E (2021). Escala AUTODDIS: evaluación de la Autodeterminación de jóvenes y adultos con discapacidad intelectual. Manual de aplicación y corrección. Publicaciones del INICO.
VICENTE, E., CALVO-ÁLVAREZ, M. I., VERDUGO-ALONSO, M. Á. y GUILLÉN-MARTÍN, V. M. (2018). El rol de los factores personales y familiares en la autodeterminación de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual. Revista de Psicología Educativa, 24(2), 75-83.
VICENTE, E., COMA, T., MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C. y SIMÓ-PINATELLA, D. (2020). Self-determination and people with intellectual disability: a construct analysis from a professional perspective. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 69(3), 822-836.
VICENTE, E., MUMBARDÓ-ADAM, C., GUILLÉN, V. M., COMA, T., BRAVO, M. Á. y SÁNCHEZ, S. (2020). Self-determination in people with intellectual disability: the mediating role of opportunities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6201.
WEHMEYER, M. L. (2005). Self-determination and individuals with severe disabilities: Re-examining meanings and misinterpretations. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 30(3), 113-120.
WEHMEYER, M. L. (2020). The importance of self-determination to the quality of life of people with intellectual disability: a perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7121.
WEHMEYER, M. L., ABERY, B. H., ZHANG, D., WARD, K., WILLIS, D., HOSSAIN, W. A., BALCAZAR, F., BALL, A., BACON, A., CALKINS, C., HELLER, T., GOODE, T., DIAS, R., JESIEN, G. S., McVEIGH, T., NYGREN, M. A., PALMER, S. B. y WALKER, H. M. (2011). Personal self-determination and moderating variables that impact efforts to promote self-determination. Exceptionality, 19, 19-30.
WEHMEYER, M. L., LATTIMORE, J., JORGENSEN, J., PALMER, S. B., THOMPSON, E. y SCHUMAKER, K. M. (2003). The Self-Determined Career Development Model: a pilot study. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 19, 79-87.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S., AGRAN, M., MITHAUG, D. y MARTIN, J. (2000). Promoting causal agency: the self-determined learning model of instruction. Exceptional Children, 66, 439-453.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PALMER, S. B., SHOGREN, K. A., WILLIAMS-DIEHM, K. y SOUKUP, J. H. (2013). Establishing a causal relationship between intervention to promote self-determination and enhanced student self-determination. The Journal of Special Education, 46(4), 195-210.
WEHMEYER, M. L., PERALTA, F., ZULUETA, A., GONZÁLEZ-TORRES, M.C. y SOBRINO, A. (2006). Escala de Autodeterminación Personal: instrumento de valoración y guía de aplicación. Editorial CEPE.
WEHMEYER, M. L. y SCHALOCK, R. (2001). Self-determination and quality and life: implications for special education services and supports. Focus on Exceptional Children, 33, 1-16.
WEHMEYER, M. L. y SCHWARTZ, M. (1998). The relationship between self-determination and quality of life for adults with mental retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 33, 3-12.
WEHMEYER, M. L., SHOGREN, K. A., PALMER, S. B., WILLIAMS-DIEHM, K. L., LITTLE, T. D. y BOULTON, A. (2012). The impact of the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on student self-determination. Exceptional Children, 78(2), 135-153.
Álvarez González, O., Vicente Sánchez, E., & Mumbardó-Adam, C. (2022). Mejora de la autodeterminación y la calidad de vida en adultos con necesidades generalizadas de apoyo. Siglo Cero, 53(4), 109–129.
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