Innovación Social: Una competencia social compartida
En el artículo se analiza un marco conceptual que contrasta experiencias de innovación social que han surgido en América Latina, que sitúa a la innovación social como una competencia social compartida, que rebasa la frontera entre lo social y económico. Para dar cuenta de lo anterior, se seleccionaron experiencias que se originan y orientan por la satisfacción de la necesidad humana y por la generación de relaciones entre individuos y grupos de diferentes espacios y escalas. Se reconoce el impacto de las experiencias entendiendo la innovación social como una competencia que se comparte entre los actores. Se concluye que las diferentes conceptualizaciones llevan a un marco conceptual en donde se proponen tres elementos clave para su entendimiento: primero, la orientación hacia valores sociales; segundo, el factor humano como motor, promotor y fuente de desarrollo; y tercero, las alianzas entre diferentes actores.- Referencias
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- Métricas
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Arias, J. & Aristizábal, C. A. (2011). Transfer of knowledge oriented to social innovation in the relation science-technology and society. Thought and management, 31, 137-166.
Buckland, H., & Murillo, D. (2014). Social Innovation in Latin America. Conceptual framework and agents, Inter-American Development Bank: Institute of Social Innovation of Esade and Multilateral Investment Fund.
Buckland, H., Carreras, I., & Murillo, D. (2014). Compartamos con Colombia. A broker of social innovation. Institute of Social Innovation of Esade and Multilateral Investment Fund BID.
Center for Social Innovation. (2009). Social Innovation. Retrieved on June 1, 2015, from Stanford University:
ECLAC, (2011). Mexican nostalgic foods, Retrieved on July 16, 2015, from Experiences in Social Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean:
ECLAC, (2011). Maringá Social Observatory, Retrieved on July 16, 2015, from Experiences in Social Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean:
Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14, 532-550.
Freeman, C. (1995). National System of Innovation in Historical Perspective. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(1), 5-24.
Innerarity, D. (2009). “The society of innovation”. In How is an innovative society? Madrid: Innobosque.
King of Marulanda, N., & Tancredi, F. B. (2010). From Social Innovation to Public Policy. Santiago de Chile: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Latour, B. (2000). Ciência em ação - how to follow scientists and engenheiros sociedade afora. (Translated by Ivone Benedetti). São Paulo: Unesp.
Lévesque, B. (2013). Social innovation in governance and public management system: towards a new paradigm? In F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, and A. Hamdouch, The International Handbook on Social Innovation. London: MPG Printgroup.
Miles, M., & Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
Modern Encyclopedia, (2015). Social realism, Retrieved on June 10, 2015, from Encyclopædia Britannica:
Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., & Hillier, J. (2013). Social innovation: intuition, precept, concept, theory, and practice. In F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood, & A. Hamdouch, The International Handbook on Social Innovation (pp. 13-24). Massachusetts: Edward Elgar.
Murray, R., Caulier-Grice, J., & Mulgan, G. (2010). The Open Book of Social Innovation: Ways to Design, Develop and Grow Social Innovation. London, UK: NESTA.
Naser, A., & Ramírez, A. (2014). Open government plan. A roadmap for the governments of the region. In ECLAC: United Nations, Santiago, Chile.
OECD. (2013). Start-up Latin America: Promoting Innovation in the Region. Studies of the Development Center: OECD Publishing.
OECD / European Communities, (2005). Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data. 3rd ed.
Pastor Pérez, M. del P. (2013). Microcredit as a financing instrument for development: Reflections based on innovation. In L. V. Mballa (Ed.), Microfinance of local development in Mexico (pp. 31-52). San Luis Potosí: UASLP.
Pinch, T. & Bijker, W. (1987). The social construction of facts and artifacts: Or how the sociology of science and the sociology of technology might benefit each other. In: Bijker, Wiebe, et al. (eds.), The social construction of technological systems. Mass., Cambridge: MIT Press.
Rodríguez, A. & Alvarado, H. (2008). Keys to social innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Santiago de Chile: Cepal.
Schumpeter, J. (1969). Theory of Economic Development. Mexico: Economic Culture Fund.
Silva-Flores, M. L. (2017). Social innovation in emerging innovation infrastructures in middle-income countries: Guadalajara, Mexico. Mexico [e-book]. ITESO
Solís, C. (2004). Cultural revaluation and the use of biodiversity. Retrieved on July 16, 2015, from
Tuomi, I. (2002). Networks of Innovation: change and meaning in the age of the Internet. New York: Oxford University Press.
Van Wyk, R. J. (2004). A template for graduate programs in management of technology (MOT). Report to the Education Committee, International Association for Management.
Yin, R. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
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