The Essentialist Perspective in the Conception of Technology


Technological pessimism is a perspective that, since the middle of the 20th century, became popular both in intellectual circles and in popular culture, becoming one of the most common ways of thinking about technology. In this paper we will characterize the essentialist thought style, showing how it permeates this perspective of technology, endowing it with autonomy, and as an intrinsic source of dire consequences, both for society and for nature. A historical reconstruction of the essentialist perspective will be made, characterizing its formulation in Aristotle’s philosophical thought. From there, we will investigate the way in which the essentialist perspective is deployed before technology in academia, as well as in popular culture. Finally, the case of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) will be presented as a space of debate where we can see the essentialist thought style mobilized.
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Author Biography

Pablo Ariel Pellegrini

CONICET / Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes-CIC-BA
Pablo A. Pellegrini es Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Filosofía del Conocimiento (Sorbonne – Université Paris IV y FLACSO Argentina), y Magíster en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (UNQ). Es investigador del CONICET y del Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes). Sus líneas de investigación incluyen los conflictos vinculados a la ciencia y las dinámicas de producción de conocimiento. Publicó los libros La verdad fragmentada: conflictos y certezas en el conocimiento (Argonauta, Buenos Aires, 2019) y Transgénicos: ciencia, agricultura y controversias en la Argentina (UNQ, Bernal, 2013), así como numerosos artículos en revistas internacionales.