Valuation of the satisfaction of patients admitted to the Otorhinolaryngology using the SERVQHOS questionnaire


Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction of patients, as a measure of the quality of care. Material and methods: Study carried out from February to August 2017. All the hospitalized patients (187) were given at the time of discharge an anonymous and voluntary questionnaire, based on the SERVQHOS model, modified and adapted to that Department. Results: A total of 119 questionnaires were collected. The overall average satisfaction (SERVQHOS): 4.2 with standard deviation (SD): ± 0.67. The most valued aspects: the personalized treatment and the friendliness of the staff. The least valued aspects: the indications and the ease of getting to the hospital, being the only aspects that did not show any relationship with the level of global satisfaction (Pearson correlation, value of p> 0, 05). The large majority (95.8%) were very satisfied or satisfied with the health care received and 98.3% would recommend the hospital. In relation to the sociodemographic variables studied, statistical significance was found in the age variable regarding the level of overall satisfaction (Chi-2, p = 0.021). In general, the most satisfied people were those between the ages of 46-77, male, married, with no occupation and with a higher education level. Finally, statistical significance was found in the demographic variables sex and marital status with respect to some of the aspects of care assessed with the 19 items. Conclusion: Most patients were satisfied in all the dimensions explored and the vast majority would recommend this hospital, showing that satisfaction is closely linked to the qualities and skills of staff in their relationship with the patient.
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Pisón-Cárcamo, E., & Díaz De Cerio-Canduela, P. (2018). Valuation of the satisfaction of patients admitted to the Otorhinolaryngology using the SERVQHOS questionnaire. Revista ORL, 10(2), 91–101.

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Author Biography

Pedro Díaz De Cerio-Canduela

Hospital San Pedro de Logroño, España
Oncología de Cabeza y Cuello.Hospital San Pedro - Logroño. 