Vol. 5 No. 10 (2018): Second Semester 2018

The Revista de Estudios Brasileños publishes its tenth issue! A special Anniversary we share with our readers. A true event that can and must be celebrated! The review was created as a special forum for discussing issues related to Brazil, based on the interest aroused by the country in the international arena. This objective was already announced at the time of the launch of the magazine. From the perspective of what was intended as a "modest contribution to shed light" on its mission, we see that the REB has edited numbers that have contributed significantly to the understanding of Brazilian reality. Since its First Issue, in 2014, it has been published editions dedicated to fundamental topics to understand the Brazilian reality. Likewise, the prestige of its collaborators and interviewees should be stressed. Also, the reviews section, with select criticism of very relevant publications, has not been a little and that, without false modesty, should not be forgotten. This path so far collected is a sign of the future, of increasingly important and impactful editions, which offer an incentive to discuss issues about Brazil.
Published: 2018-08-24

