An approach for discovering keywords from Spanish tweets using Wikipedia

  • Daniel Ayala
    Universidad de Sevilla dayala1[at]
  • Juan C. Roldán
    University of Sevilla
  • David Ruiz
    University of Sevilla
  • Fernando O. Gallego
    University of Sevilla


Most approaches to keywords discovery when analyzing microblogging messages (among them those from Twitter) are based on statistical and lexical information about the words that compose the text. The lack of context in the short messages can be problematic due to the low co-occurrence of words. In this paper, we present a new approach for keywords discovering from Spanish tweets based on the addition of context information using Wikipedia as a knowledge base. We present four different ways to use Wikipedia and two ways to rank the new keywords. We have tested these strategies using more than 60000 Spanish tweets, measuring performance and analyzing particularities of each strategy.
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