CLIL Teacher Training: Lacks and Suggestions from a Systematic Literature Review
Resumen Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura tiene como primer objetivo destacar las carencias y sugerencias y/o buenas prácticas en la formación de docentes aicle (aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras), a fin de contribuir al diseño de una formación específica óptima para los profesores de aicle. Se ha llevado a cabo por medio del análisis de 39 documentos analizados, que presentan investigaciones y prácticas provenientes de casi todos los países europeos, y que han sido obtenidos en Scopus, Educational Resources Information Centre (eric), ScienceDirect y en parte Google Scholar, por medio de búsquedas iniciales con el descriptor «clil teacher training» y un proceso de selección posterior. El aicle es un enfoque complejo que involucra muchos aspectos que deben considerarse. Resulta tan atractivo para los estudiantes como exigente para los profesores, pues se centra en el alumno, con un gran uso de las tic y de las herramientas en línea, y también por su implementación a través de una nueva pedagogía y asociado a unas estrategias de enseñanza innovadoras. Este es el punto de partida teórico de las diferentes acciones y políticas establecidas en los países para capacitar a docentes para aicle. Sin embargo, los resultados, que orientan la capacitación de los futuros profesores de aicle, subrayan la necesidad de formación inicial docente específica previa al ejercicio profesional, hasta ahora generalmente ignorada a favor de la formación permanente. Con respecto a esto último, de los interesados ??se sugiere una actualización continua en el método aicle y en la investigación universitaria; mayor colaboración con colegas, especialmente la telecolaboración, que puede ser la respuesta a la necesidad de actualizar aicle y compartir buenas prácticas; por último, pero no menos importante, una mayor preparación pedagógica y gestión de las tic, porque aicle tiene como objetivo la innovación educativa en la escuela.
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Aiello, J., Di Martino, E., and Di Sabato, B. (2017). Preparing teachers in Italy for CLIL: reflections on assessment, language proficiency and willingness to communicate. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 20(1), 69–83.
Alcaraz-Mármol, G. (2018). Trained and Non-Trained Language Teachers on CLIL Methodology: Teachers’ Facts and Opinions about the CLIL Approach in the Primary Education Context in Spain. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 11(1), 39–64.
Ball, P., Kelly, K., & Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 52-61.
Biçaku, R. Ç. (2011). CLIL and teacher training. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 15, 3821–3825.
Bueno-Alastuey, M. C., Villarreal, I., & García Esteban, S. (2018). Can telecollaboration contribute to the TPACK development of pre-service teachers? Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 5139(May), 1–14.
Campillo, J. M., Sánchez, R., & Miralles, P. (2019). Primary Teachers’ Perceptions of CLIL Implementation in Spain. English Language Teaching, 12(4), 149-156.
Carrió-Pastor, M. L., & Forteza, F. R. (2019). La planificación temporal y la evaluación en la formación online de futuros docentes en el AICLE. Time planning and evaluation in online pre-service teacher training in CLIL. Tejuelo, 30, 111–150.
Cenoz, J. (2013). Discussion: Towards an educational perspective in CLIL language policy and pedagogical practice. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 389–394.
Chaieberras, Z., & Rascón-Moreno, D. (2018). Perspectives of Compulsory Secondary Education Students on Bilingual Sections in Madrid (Spain). English Language Teaching, 11(10), 152-161.
Cinganotto, L. (2016). Teacher training - Content and Language Integrated Learning with Technologies: a global online training experience. The EUROCALL Review, Vol. 24(2), 56–64.
Cinganotto, L. (2017). Experiential learning for teacher training: A case example on language, content and technologies in a learning event by eTwinning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 13(1), 91–111.
Coonan, C. M. (2011). CLIL in Language Teacher Training. Studi Di Glottodidattica, 2(1), 1–14.
Council of the European Union (2019). Council Recommendation of 22 May 2019 on a Comprehensive Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Languages. Official Journal of the European Union, C 189(2017), 15–22.
Coyle, D. (1999). Theory and planning for effective classrooms: supporting students in content and language integrated contexts, in Learning through a Foreign Language, edited by Masih J., 46-62. London: CILT.
Coyle, D. (2013). Listening to learners: An investigation into 'successful learning' across CLIL contexts. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 244–266.
Czura, A., & Papaja, K. (2013). Curricular models of CLIL education in Poland. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 321–333.
Dalton-Puffer, C. (2011). Content-and-language integrated learning: From practice to principles? Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 182-204.
De Santo, M., & De Meo, A. (2016). E-training for the CLIL in a moodle-based community of learning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 12(3), 41–49.
Durán-Martínez, R., & Beltrán-Llavador, F. (2016). A Regional Assessment of Bilingual Programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools: the Teachers’ Views. Porta Linguarum, 25, 79–92.
European Commission. (1995). White paper on education and learning - Teaching and learning: towards the learning society, 70.
European Commission Note. (2019). Interventions proposal for a council recommendation on a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages. European Journal of Language Policy, 11(1), 129–137.
European Council. (2008). Council resolution of 21 November 2008 on a European strategy for multilingualism. Official Journal of the European Union. Vol. C320. 2008/C 3210/01.
Favilli, F., Maffei, L., & Peroni, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning Mathematics in a Non-Native Language: Introduction of the CLIL Methodology in Italy. US-China Education Review A, 3(6), 374–380.
Fernández Costales, A., & Lahuerta Martínez, A. C. (2014). New Approaches in English Language Teaching: Teacher Training in the Framework of Content and Language Integrated Learning. Magister, 26(1), 18–24.
García-Esteban, S., Villarreal, I., & Bueno-Alastuey, M. C. (2019). The effect of telecollaboration in the development of the Learning to Learn competence in CLIL teacher training. Interactive Learning Environments, 0(0), 1–14.
Gierlinger, E. (2015). ‘You can speak German, sir’: on the complexity of teachers’ L1 use in CLIL. Language and Education, 29(4), 347–368.
González Davies, M. (2016). Children's literature and plurilingualism in a teacher training programme. A CLIL approach focusing on Didactics (FOD). EDETANIA, 49, 91–105.
González-Martínez, J., Serrat-Sellabona, E., Estebanell-Minguell, M., Rostan-Sánchez, C., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). Sobre el concepto de alfabetización transmedia en el ámbito educativo. Una revisión de la literatura. Comunicación y Sociedad, 33, 15–40.
Gutiérrez Almarza, G., Durán Martínez, R., & Beltrán Llavador, F. (2012). CLIL in teacher training: A Nottingham Trent University and University of Salamanca experience. Encuentro, 21, 48–62.
Hoda?ová, J., & Laitochová, J. (2015). Phenomenon of Excellence at Future Teachers Training. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 174, 3750–3756.
Infante, D., Benvenuto, G., & Lastrucci, E. (2009), The effects of CLIL from the perspective of experienced teachers, in CLIL Practice: Perspectives from the Field, edited by Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., Aliaga, R., Asikanen, T., Frigols-Martin, M.J., 156-163, Jyväskylä:CCN: University of Jyväskylä.
Jauregi, K., and Melchor-Couto, S. (2017). The TeCoLa project: pedagogical differentiation through telecollaboration and gaming for intercultural and content integrated language teaching. The EUROCALL Review, 2017, 163–169.
Jerez Montoya, T. (2016). In-Service Teacher Perception of Iwb Usage and Training in Technology-Enhanced Clil Classrooms. Encuentro, 25, 13–26.
Lancaster, N. K. (2016). Stakeholder Perspectives on CLIL in a Monolingual Context. English Language Teaching, 9(2), 148.
Lucietto, S., & Rasom, O. (2011). Consultancy work in an innovative plurilingual CLIL programme. Context, relationships and evaluation. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 30, 1438–1446.
Marsh, D. (2002). The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential. Strasbourg: European Commission. UniCOM, University of Jyvaskyla.
Marsh, D., & Frigols Martín, M. J. (2012). Content and Language Integrated Learning. Introduction in C. A. Chapelle, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., & Frígols-Martín, M. J. (2012). European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education. A framework for the professional development of CLIL teachers. Encuentro, 21, 39.
Martí, O., & Portolés, L. (2019). Spokes in the Wheels of CLIL for Multilingualism or How Monolingual Ideologies Limit Teacher Training. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 17.
Martín del Pozo M. Á. (2017). Training Teachers for English Medium Instruction: Lessons from Research on Second Language Listening Comprehension. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 12, 55–63.
Melara Gutiérrez, J., & González López, I. (2016). Trazos para el diseño del perfil competencial de la figura del maestro bilingüe. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 74, n. 264, 357–380
Meyer, O. (2010). Towards quality-CLIL: successful planning and teaching strategies. Pulso, 33(1), 11–29.
Milla Lara, M. D., & Casas Pedrosa, A. V. (2018). Teacher Perspectives on CLIL Implementation: A Within-Group Comparison of Key Variables. Porta Linguarum, 29, 159–180.
Moore, E., and Dooly, M. (2010). 'How do the apples reproduce (Themselves)?’ How teacher trainees negotiate language, content, and membership in a CLIL science education classroom at a Multilingual University. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 9(1), 58–79.
Nightingale, R., & Safont, P. (2019). Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 37.
O’Dowd, R. (2018). The training and accreditation of teachers for English medium instruction: an overview of practice in European universities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(5), 553–563.
Oattes, H., Oostdam, R., de Graaff, R., & Wilschut, A. (2018). The challenge of balancing content and language: Perceptions of Dutch bilingual education history teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70, 165–174.
Okoli, C., & Schabram, K. (2010). A Guide to Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Research. Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(26), 1–51.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2016a). Are teachers ready for CLIL? Evidence from a European study. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), 202–221.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2016b). Teacher training needs for bilingual education: in-service teacher perceptions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19(3), 266–295.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018a). CLIL and pedagogical innovation: Fact or fiction? International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 28(3), 1–22.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018b). Innovations and Challenges in CLIL Implementation in Europe. Theory into Practice, 57(3), 212–221.
Pokriv?áková, S. (2015). CLIL in Slovakia: projects, research, and teacher training (2005-2015). CLIL in Foreign Language Education: E-Textbook for Foreign Language Teachers, Dec., 17–29.
Rea Rizzo, C., & Carbajosa Palmero, N. (2014). CLIL Teacher training at the UPCT: present and future within the EHEA. REDU Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 12(4), 377–393.
Reitbauer, M., Fürstenberg, U., Kletzenbauer, P., & Marko, K. (2018). Towards a Cognitive-Linguistic Turn in CLIL: Unfolding Integration. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 11(2018), 87–107.
San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2019). Monitoring of Teachers’ Views on Both CLIL and the Development of Pluriliteracies: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 1-16.
Trentinné-Benk?, É. (2016). Ten Years of CLIL Teacher Training at ELTE TÓK, in Studies from Education and Society, edited by T. J. Karlovitz, 142–152.
van Kampen, E., Admiraal, W., & Berry, A. (2016). Content and language integrated learning in the Netherlands: teachers self-reported pedagogical practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 0(0), 1–15.
Alcaraz-Mármol, G. (2018). Trained and Non-Trained Language Teachers on CLIL Methodology: Teachers’ Facts and Opinions about the CLIL Approach in the Primary Education Context in Spain. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 11(1), 39–64.
Ball, P., Kelly, K., & Clegg, J. (2015). Putting CLIL into Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 52-61.
Biçaku, R. Ç. (2011). CLIL and teacher training. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 15, 3821–3825.
Bueno-Alastuey, M. C., Villarreal, I., & García Esteban, S. (2018). Can telecollaboration contribute to the TPACK development of pre-service teachers? Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 5139(May), 1–14.
Campillo, J. M., Sánchez, R., & Miralles, P. (2019). Primary Teachers’ Perceptions of CLIL Implementation in Spain. English Language Teaching, 12(4), 149-156.
Carrió-Pastor, M. L., & Forteza, F. R. (2019). La planificación temporal y la evaluación en la formación online de futuros docentes en el AICLE. Time planning and evaluation in online pre-service teacher training in CLIL. Tejuelo, 30, 111–150.
Cenoz, J. (2013). Discussion: Towards an educational perspective in CLIL language policy and pedagogical practice. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 389–394.
Chaieberras, Z., & Rascón-Moreno, D. (2018). Perspectives of Compulsory Secondary Education Students on Bilingual Sections in Madrid (Spain). English Language Teaching, 11(10), 152-161.
Cinganotto, L. (2016). Teacher training - Content and Language Integrated Learning with Technologies: a global online training experience. The EUROCALL Review, Vol. 24(2), 56–64.
Cinganotto, L. (2017). Experiential learning for teacher training: A case example on language, content and technologies in a learning event by eTwinning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 13(1), 91–111.
Coonan, C. M. (2011). CLIL in Language Teacher Training. Studi Di Glottodidattica, 2(1), 1–14.
Council of the European Union (2019). Council Recommendation of 22 May 2019 on a Comprehensive Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Languages. Official Journal of the European Union, C 189(2017), 15–22.
Coyle, D. (1999). Theory and planning for effective classrooms: supporting students in content and language integrated contexts, in Learning through a Foreign Language, edited by Masih J., 46-62. London: CILT.
Coyle, D. (2013). Listening to learners: An investigation into 'successful learning' across CLIL contexts. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 244–266.
Czura, A., & Papaja, K. (2013). Curricular models of CLIL education in Poland. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(3), 321–333.
Dalton-Puffer, C. (2011). Content-and-language integrated learning: From practice to principles? Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 182-204.
De Santo, M., & De Meo, A. (2016). E-training for the CLIL in a moodle-based community of learning. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 12(3), 41–49.
Durán-Martínez, R., & Beltrán-Llavador, F. (2016). A Regional Assessment of Bilingual Programmes in Primary and Secondary Schools: the Teachers’ Views. Porta Linguarum, 25, 79–92.
European Commission. (1995). White paper on education and learning - Teaching and learning: towards the learning society, 70.
European Commission Note. (2019). Interventions proposal for a council recommendation on a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages. European Journal of Language Policy, 11(1), 129–137.
European Council. (2008). Council resolution of 21 November 2008 on a European strategy for multilingualism. Official Journal of the European Union. Vol. C320. 2008/C 3210/01.
Favilli, F., Maffei, L., & Peroni, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning Mathematics in a Non-Native Language: Introduction of the CLIL Methodology in Italy. US-China Education Review A, 3(6), 374–380.
Fernández Costales, A., & Lahuerta Martínez, A. C. (2014). New Approaches in English Language Teaching: Teacher Training in the Framework of Content and Language Integrated Learning. Magister, 26(1), 18–24.
García-Esteban, S., Villarreal, I., & Bueno-Alastuey, M. C. (2019). The effect of telecollaboration in the development of the Learning to Learn competence in CLIL teacher training. Interactive Learning Environments, 0(0), 1–14.
Gierlinger, E. (2015). ‘You can speak German, sir’: on the complexity of teachers’ L1 use in CLIL. Language and Education, 29(4), 347–368.
González Davies, M. (2016). Children's literature and plurilingualism in a teacher training programme. A CLIL approach focusing on Didactics (FOD). EDETANIA, 49, 91–105.
González-Martínez, J., Serrat-Sellabona, E., Estebanell-Minguell, M., Rostan-Sánchez, C., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). Sobre el concepto de alfabetización transmedia en el ámbito educativo. Una revisión de la literatura. Comunicación y Sociedad, 33, 15–40.
Gutiérrez Almarza, G., Durán Martínez, R., & Beltrán Llavador, F. (2012). CLIL in teacher training: A Nottingham Trent University and University of Salamanca experience. Encuentro, 21, 48–62.
Hoda?ová, J., & Laitochová, J. (2015). Phenomenon of Excellence at Future Teachers Training. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 174, 3750–3756.
Infante, D., Benvenuto, G., & Lastrucci, E. (2009), The effects of CLIL from the perspective of experienced teachers, in CLIL Practice: Perspectives from the Field, edited by Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., Aliaga, R., Asikanen, T., Frigols-Martin, M.J., 156-163, Jyväskylä:CCN: University of Jyväskylä.
Jauregi, K., and Melchor-Couto, S. (2017). The TeCoLa project: pedagogical differentiation through telecollaboration and gaming for intercultural and content integrated language teaching. The EUROCALL Review, 2017, 163–169.
Jerez Montoya, T. (2016). In-Service Teacher Perception of Iwb Usage and Training in Technology-Enhanced Clil Classrooms. Encuentro, 25, 13–26.
Lancaster, N. K. (2016). Stakeholder Perspectives on CLIL in a Monolingual Context. English Language Teaching, 9(2), 148.
Lucietto, S., & Rasom, O. (2011). Consultancy work in an innovative plurilingual CLIL programme. Context, relationships and evaluation. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 30, 1438–1446.
Marsh, D. (2002). The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential. Strasbourg: European Commission. UniCOM, University of Jyvaskyla.
Marsh, D., & Frigols Martín, M. J. (2012). Content and Language Integrated Learning. Introduction in C. A. Chapelle, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
Marsh, D., Mehisto, P., Wolff, D., & Frígols-Martín, M. J. (2012). European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education. A framework for the professional development of CLIL teachers. Encuentro, 21, 39.
Martí, O., & Portolés, L. (2019). Spokes in the Wheels of CLIL for Multilingualism or How Monolingual Ideologies Limit Teacher Training. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 17.
Martín del Pozo M. Á. (2017). Training Teachers for English Medium Instruction: Lessons from Research on Second Language Listening Comprehension. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 12, 55–63.
Melara Gutiérrez, J., & González López, I. (2016). Trazos para el diseño del perfil competencial de la figura del maestro bilingüe. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 74, n. 264, 357–380
Meyer, O. (2010). Towards quality-CLIL: successful planning and teaching strategies. Pulso, 33(1), 11–29.
Milla Lara, M. D., & Casas Pedrosa, A. V. (2018). Teacher Perspectives on CLIL Implementation: A Within-Group Comparison of Key Variables. Porta Linguarum, 29, 159–180.
Moore, E., and Dooly, M. (2010). 'How do the apples reproduce (Themselves)?’ How teacher trainees negotiate language, content, and membership in a CLIL science education classroom at a Multilingual University. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 9(1), 58–79.
Nightingale, R., & Safont, P. (2019). Conversational Style and Early Academic Language Skills in CLIL and Non-CLIL Settings: A Multilingual Sociopragmatic Perspective. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 37.
O’Dowd, R. (2018). The training and accreditation of teachers for English medium instruction: an overview of practice in European universities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 21(5), 553–563.
Oattes, H., Oostdam, R., de Graaff, R., & Wilschut, A. (2018). The challenge of balancing content and language: Perceptions of Dutch bilingual education history teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 70, 165–174.
Okoli, C., & Schabram, K. (2010). A Guide to Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Research. Working Papers on Information Systems, 10(26), 1–51.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2016a). Are teachers ready for CLIL? Evidence from a European study. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), 202–221.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2016b). Teacher training needs for bilingual education: in-service teacher perceptions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19(3), 266–295.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018a). CLIL and pedagogical innovation: Fact or fiction? International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 28(3), 1–22.
Pérez Cañado, M. L. (2018b). Innovations and Challenges in CLIL Implementation in Europe. Theory into Practice, 57(3), 212–221.
Pokriv?áková, S. (2015). CLIL in Slovakia: projects, research, and teacher training (2005-2015). CLIL in Foreign Language Education: E-Textbook for Foreign Language Teachers, Dec., 17–29.
Rea Rizzo, C., & Carbajosa Palmero, N. (2014). CLIL Teacher training at the UPCT: present and future within the EHEA. REDU Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 12(4), 377–393.
Reitbauer, M., Fürstenberg, U., Kletzenbauer, P., & Marko, K. (2018). Towards a Cognitive-Linguistic Turn in CLIL: Unfolding Integration. Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning, 11(2018), 87–107.
San Isidro, X., & Lasagabaster, D. (2019). Monitoring of Teachers’ Views on Both CLIL and the Development of Pluriliteracies: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 1-16.
Trentinné-Benk?, É. (2016). Ten Years of CLIL Teacher Training at ELTE TÓK, in Studies from Education and Society, edited by T. J. Karlovitz, 142–152.
van Kampen, E., Admiraal, W., & Berry, A. (2016). Content and language integrated learning in the Netherlands: teachers self-reported pedagogical practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 0(0), 1–15.
Porcedda, M. E., & González-Martínez, J. (2020). CLIL Teacher Training: Lacks and Suggestions from a Systematic Literature Review . Enseñanza & Teaching: Revista Interuniversitaria De Didáctica, 38(1), 49–68.
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