Current call for papers

CLINA, vol. 9, nº 2

Teaching and Evaluation of Specialized Translation and Interpreting

Ondrej Klabal and Beatriz de la Fuente Marina (eds.)


Deadline for abstract submission (about 300 words) to 31st July 2022.

Deadline for preselection of received abstracts: 15th September 2022.

Deadline for article submission (selected abstracts only) via  (6,000-8,000 words): 31st December 2022.

Expected publication date: July 2023.

Languages: English, Spanish

In times when general translation and interpreting assignments are rarer and rarer for multiple reasons including the uptake of (neural) machine translation or better knowledge of foreign languages (especially English), the area of specialized translation and interpreting is becoming even more relevant for today’s professionals, and graduates, and thus the curricula of T & I programmes should reflect it to remain as profession-related as possible. More so that the field is not static and is undergoing major developments driven by artificial intelligence, or even the covid-19 pandemic which changed the working conditions substantially. These developments affect the ways translators and interpreters work, prepare for assignments, or even the nature of assignments they are commissioned. What used to be marginal in the past such as post-editing or remote simultaneous interpreting, is here to stay and has become the new normal.

Despite the importance of specialized translation and interpreting in practice, research into training and evaluation is still lagging behind. While there are fields such as legal translation where interest has been on the rise over the past decade, the papers on teaching biomedical or financial translation are still rather hard to find. The same applies to interpreting where the traditional focus has been on conference and/or community interpreting, ignoring the fact that specialized interpreting may be required in either of the settings (cf. medical conference and a medical encounter, business forum and business meeting).

In this context, the new issue of CLINA aims to address the phenomenon of specialized translation and interpreting teaching and evaluation from different perspectives, including (but not limited to) the following ones:

  • Teaching specialized translation and interpreting
  • Use of CAT-tools in translation teaching and practice
  • Resources for teaching specialized translation and interpreting
  • Challenges and solutions of translation into L2
  • Evaluation of the students’ performance (rubrics, criteria…)
  • Specialized translation and interpreting in international organizations
  • Changes in the profile of professional translators and interpreters (competences)
  • Reflections over professional experience
  • New developments in specialized translation and interpreting

Subareas can include legal translation, financial and business translation, biomedical translation, technical translation, etc., as well as all interpreting modalities.



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