Idiomaticity and idiomatization in Literary Translation


Translating the idiomaticity of a text into another language requires the translator to use a phraseotranslatological procedure based on idiomatization. The process of idiomatising the target text (text B) does not only consist of phraseologising it, i.e. respecting the phraseological system of the source language in the target language (text A), but also taking into account all the other combinations that make up the text, both free and created by the author. In this study, we will therefore deal with the linguistic nature of a literary text, the genre that is most resistant, in the translation process, to phraseologisation but not necessarily to idiomatization. To do so, we will start with an idiomatological study of text A, distinguishing, from the maxims of deviation and choice, three principles of combinability (free, lexicalised and creative ones) that give rise to four types of constructions (co-creations, phraseological units, counter-creations and affine creations) that will support, in the translation process, a treatment that guarantees the same linguistic density in text B. We will do this within a branch of applied phraseology, phraseotranslatology, understood as that which deals with the translation of the idiomaticity of a text. To this end, we will offer the guidelines of a phraseotranslatological model that will be applied to a passage of the book The Alchemist by Pablo Coelho in the Portuguese - Spanish language pair.
  • Referencias
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González-Rey, M. I. (2021). Idiomaticity and idiomatization in Literary Translation. CLINA Revista Interdisciplinaria De Traducción Interpretación Y Comunicación Intercultural, 6(2), 33–50.


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Author Biography

María Isabel González-Rey

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Departamento de Filología Clásica, Francesa e Italiana