Translation of Buddhist Texts: An Historic, Philosophic and Philologic Approach

Ancient and New Challenges Entailed in their Interpretation focusing on the Prajñāpāpramitāp-hṛdaya-sūtra


Since Vedic times, words were deified, as they were believed to represent reality in its fullness at its most transcendental level. What they could signify, as well as the numerous metaphysical wonders attributed to them, were ideas that would be widely debated also during the transmission of Buddhism throughout Asia. Translations of the Mahāyānic Buddhist texts faced the ancient challenge of using words as a means of conveying a higher reality by means of a new script: Chinese ideograms. Influenced by the śūnyatā 空 philosophy of Nāgārjuna 龍樹, this complex process of translation in which ideas could precede sounds led — as we will see in the analysis of the Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra— to the use of the ancient resource of mantric recitation to deconstruct all that can be experienced
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