The Dual Standby of Robert Antelme and Marguerite Duras (An Illustration)


The article proposes an opposite reading of two works surrounding the same event: The Human Race, of Robert Antelme, and La Douleur (The Pain), of Marguerite Duras. If Antelme’s experience at a German concentration camp leads to a humanism that claims our belonging to a unique race, then Duras’s story seems to be widening in the depths of an unspeakable horror. Following this opposition, we are not displaying only two opposing views or styles, but its complementarity is, by a sort of chiasmus, the foundation of the ethical relation as conceived by Emmanuel Lévinas. This relationship restores, in the empty space that lies between both perspectives, the possibility of covering the unnameable testimony.
  • Referencias
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Conte Imbert, D. (2015). The Dual Standby of Robert Antelme and Marguerite Duras (An Illustration). 1616: Anuario De Literatura Comparada, 4, 169–199. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

David Conte Imbert

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Humanidades: Filosofía, Lenguaje y Literatura. Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación. C/ Madrid, 126. Getafe, Madrid (España)