The Constructive Process of Collegiate Church Santa María la Mayor in Alcañiz (Teruel), through the Lawsuit of the Municipal Government vs. Government Council. 1771?1779


The conflicts of preeminence that had been dragging the municipality of Alcañiz and the town council of the city led to a lawsuit that was initiated before the Royal Court of Aragon in 1771 and lasted for eight years. Both institutions provided various documentation on their involvement in different artistic companies to support their versions, and that, in some cases, the originals have not reached our days, so they constitute an important documentary source that sheds light on the constructive history of the most important architectural company in the province of Teruel in the 18th century.
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Martín Marco, J. (2020). The Constructive Process of Collegiate Church Santa María la Mayor in Alcañiz (Teruel), through the Lawsuit of the Municipal Government vs. Government Council. 1771?1779. Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 21, 365–405.


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